20 April 1779

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1778-1779
Volume: 5
Comments: Benefit for Daly. Public Advertiser, 14 Apr.: Tickets to be had of Daly, No. 8, George-street, York Buildings

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p cg Cymbeline. As 24 Oct. 1778, but Posthumus-Crawford; Iachimo-Daly. *aMidas. As 27 Mar. *cBenefit for $Daly=. <i>Public Advertiser</i>, 14 Apr.: Tickets to be had of Daly, No. 8, <i>George-street</i>, <i>York Buildings</i>.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1779 04 20 cg Cymbeline. ^As17781024^, but Posthumus-Crawford; Iachimo-Daly.*a1779 04 20 cg Midas. ^As17790327^ .*c1779 04 20 cg Benefit for $Daly=. <i>Public Advertiser</i>, 14 Apr.: Tickets to be had of Daly, No. 8, <i>George-street</i>, <i>York Buildings</i>.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 40384 | 17790420 | cg | Benefit for $Daly=. <i>Public Advertiser</i>, 14 Apr.: Tickets to be had of Daly, No. 8, <i>George-street</i>, <i>York Buildings</i>
    Performance: 85658 | 40384 | p | Cymbeline | As17781024, but Posthumus-Crawford; Iachimo-Daly.
    AsSeeDate: 85658 | cg | p | As | 17781024
    147143 | 85658 | Posthumus | Crawford
    147144 | 85658 | Iachimo | Daly.
    539872 | 85658 | Colin | Mrs Farrell
    539873 | 85658 | Gregory | Reinhold
    539874 | 85658 | Higgins | Baker
    539875 | 85658 | Goody Fidget | Mrs Pitt
    539876 | 85658 | Rose | Miss Brown.
    Performance: 85659 | 40384 | a | Midas | As17790327 .
    AsSeeDate: 85659 | cg | a | As | 17790327
    539877 | 85659 | Midas | Wilson
    539878 | 85659 | Apollo | Mattocks
    539879 | 85659 | Pan | Mahon
    539880 | 85659 | Jupiter | Fox
    539881 | 85659 | Damaetas | Wewitzer
    539882 | 85659 | Sileno | Baker
    539883 | 85659 | Juno | Mrs Poussin
    539884 | 85659 | Daphne | Miss Brown
    539885 | 85659 | Mysis | Mrs Morton
    539886 | 85659 | Nysa | Mrs Mattocks.


As17781024, but Posthumus-Crawford; Iachimo-Daly.


Title: Midas
As17790327 .

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