03 March 1777

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1776-1777
Volume: 5
Comments: [This was Mrs Barry's 1st appearance since the death of her husband on 10 Jan. See also 28 Nov. 1776. Address by David Garrick (Poetical Works, II, 333).] Receipts: #270 17s. 6d. (267.16.6; 3.1.0)

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?Ccg Douglas. As 31 Oct. 1776, but Officers-_Davis; [Before the Play% a New Occasional <i>Address</i>-Mrs Barry. *a?Ccg The Jovial Crew. As 13 Feb., but Hearty-Baker. *d?Ccg As 18 Feb. *c?Ccg [TThis was $Mrs Barry='s 1st appearance since the death of her husband on 10 Jan. See also 28 Nov. 1776. Address by $David Garrick= (<i>Poetical Works</i>, II, 333).] Receipts: #270 17s. 6d. (267.16.6; 3.1.0).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1777 03 03 cg Douglas. ^As17761031^, but Officers-_Davis; Before the Play a New Occasional <i>Address</i>-Mrs Barry.*a1777 03 03 cg The Jovial Crew. ^As17770213^, but Hearty-Baker.*d1777 03 03 cg ^As17770218^.*c1777 03 03 cg [This was $Mrs Barry='s 1st appearance since the death of her husband on 10 Jan. See also 28 Nov. 1776. Address by $David Garrick= (<i>Poetical Works</i>, II, 333).] Receipts: #270 17s. 6d. (267.16.6; 3.1.0).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 39150 | 17770303 | cg | [This was $Mrs Barry='s 1st appearance since the death of her husband on 10 Jan. See also 28 Nov. 1776. Address by $David Garrick= (<i>Poetical Works</i>, II, 333).] Receipts: #270 17s. 6d. (267.16.6; 3.1.0)
    Performance: 82411 | 39150 | p | Douglas | As17761031, but Officers-_Davis; Before the Play a New Occasional <i>Address</i>-Mrs Barry.
    AsSeeDate: 82411 | cg | p | As | 17761031
    141445 | 82411 | Officers | _Davis
    141446 | 82411 | Before the Play a New Occasional <i>Address</i> | Mrs Barry.
    522444 | 82411 | Douglas | Lewis
    522445 | 82411 | Randolph | Wroughton
    522446 | 82411 | Glenalvon | Aickin
    522447 | 82411 | Old Norval | Clarke
    522448 | 82411 | Anna | Miss Dayes
    522449 | 82411 | Lady Randolph | Mrs Barry.
    Performance: 82412 | 39150 | a | The Jovial Crew | As17770213, but Hearty-Baker.
    AsSeeDate: 82412 | cg | a | As | 17770213
    141447 | 82412 | Hearty | Baker.
    522450 | 82412 | Springlove | Whitefield.
    Performance: 82413 | 39150 | d | As17770218
    AsSeeDate: 82413 | cg | d | As | 17770218


Title: Douglas
As17761031, but Officers-_Davis; Before the Play a New Occasional Address-Mrs Barry.


As17770213, but Hearty-Baker.


Comment: As17770218

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