14 February 1777

Event Information
Theatre: Drury Lane Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1776-1777
Volume: 5
Comments: By Command of Their Majesties. Tickets to be had and Places for the Boxes to be taken of Fosbrook at the Stage Door of the Theatre at Half a Guinea each. Pit 5s. 1st Gallery 3s. 6d. 2nd Gallery 2s. The Doors to be opened at 5:30. To begin at 6:30 [same throughout oratorio season]. Those ladies who have had Boxes for the Oratorios, and intend continuing them, are humbly requested to give notice to Fosbrook

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?.dl Alexander's Feast. Principal Vocal Parts-Norris, Champness, Miss Linley, Miss M. Linley, Miss Draper. *a?.dl The Coronation Anthems. Principal Vocal Parts-Norris, Champness, Miss Linley, Miss M. Linley, Miss Draper. *m?.dl End Part I: <i>concerto</i> on the organ-Stanley; End Part II: <i>concerto</i> on the violin-Linley Jun. *c?.dl By Command of $Their Majesties=. Tickets to be had and Places for the Boxes to be taken of $Fosbrook= at the Stage Door of the Theatre at Half a Guinea each. Pit 5s. 1st Gallery 3s. 6d. 2nd Gallery 2s. The Doors to be opened at 5:30. To begin at 6:30 [same throughout oratorio season]. Those ladies who have had Boxes for the Oratorios, and intend continuing them, are humbly requested to give notice to Fosbrook.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1777 02 14 dl Alexander's Feast. Principal Vocal Parts-Norris, Champness, Miss Linley, Miss M. Linley, Miss Draper.*a1777 02 14 dl The Coronation Anthems. Principal Vocal Parts-Norris, Champness, Miss Linley, Miss M. Linley, Miss Draper.*m1777 02 14 dl End Part I: <i>concerto</i> on the organ-Stanley; End Part II: <i>concerto</i> on the violin-Linley Jun.*c1777 02 14 dl By Command of $Their Majesties=. Tickets to be had and Places for the Boxes to be taken of $Fosbrook= at the Stage Door of the Theatre at Half a Guinea each. Pit 5s. 1st Gallery 3s. 6d. 2nd Gallery 2s. The Doors to be opened at 5:30. To begin at 6:30 [same throughout oratorio season]. Those ladies who have had Boxes for the Oratorios, and intend continuing them, are humbly requested to give notice to Fosbrook.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 39116 | 17770214 | dl | By Command of $Their Majesties=. Tickets to be had and Places for the Boxes to be taken of $Fosbrook= at the Stage Door of the Theatre at Half a Guinea each. Pit 5s. 1st Gallery 3s. 6d. 2nd Gallery 2s. The Doors to be opened at 5:30. To begin at 6:30 [same throughout oratorio season]. Those ladies who have had Boxes for the Oratorios, and intend continuing them, are humbly requested to give notice to Fosbrook
    Performance: 82321 | 39116 | p | Alexander's Feast | Principal Vocal Parts-Norris, Champness, Miss Linley, Miss M. Linley, Miss Draper.
    141353 | 82321 | Principal Vocal Parts | Norris, Champness, Miss Linley, Miss M. Linley, Miss Draper.
    Performance: 82322 | 39116 | a | The Coronation Anthems | Principal Vocal Parts-Norris, Champness, Miss Linley, Miss M. Linley, Miss Draper.
    141354 | 82322 | Principal Vocal Parts | Norris, Champness, Miss Linley, Miss M. Linley, Miss Draper.
    Performance: 82323 | 39116 | m | End Part I: <i>concerto</i> on the organ-Stanley; End Part II: <i>concerto</i> on the violin-Linley Jun


Principal Vocal Parts-Norris, Champness, Miss Linley, Miss M. Linley, Miss Draper.


Principal Vocal Parts-Norris, Champness, Miss Linley, Miss M. Linley, Miss Draper.


Comment: End Part I: concerto on the organ-Stanley; End Part II: concerto on the violin-Linley Jun

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