27 November 1775

Event Information
Theatre: Drury Lane Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1775-1776
Volume: 4
Comments: Benefit for the Author of the Alterations (Hopkins Diary). [On this day Garrick wrote to Mrs Abington, relative to his practice in casting new plays: "That I may hear no more of this or that part in Mr Murphy's play, I now again tell you that every author since my management distributed his parts as he thinks will be of most service to his interest, nor have I ever interfered, or will interfere, unless I perceive that they would propose something contrary to common sense" (Harvard Theatre Collection, Autograph Letter Signed). Charges: #84 (Treasurer's Book)

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p27 dl Old City Manners. As 17 Nov., but Bramble-Usher [for $Hurst=%. *aThe Deserter. As 7 Oct., but Henry-Davies[, first time%. *dII: <i>The Merry Peasants</i>, as 18 Oct. *cBenefit for the Author of the Alterations (<i>Hopkins Diary</i>). [On this day $Garrick= wrote to $Mrs Abington=, relative to his practice in casting new plays: "That I may hear no more of this or that part in $Mr Murphy='s play, I now again tell you that every author since my management distributed his parts as he thinks will be of most service to his interest, nor have I ever interfered, or will interfere, unless I perceive that they would propose something contrary to common sense" (<i>Harvard Theatre Collection</i>, Autograph Letter Signed). Charges: #84 (Treasurer's Book).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1775 11 27 dl Old City Manners. ^As17751117^, but Bramble-Usher for $Hurst=.*a1775 11 27 dl The Deserter. ^As17751007^, but Henry-Davies, first time.*d1775 11 27 dl II: <i>The Merry Peasants</i>, ^as17751018^.*c1775 11 27 dl Benefit for the Author of the Alterations (<i>Hopkins Diary</i>). [On this day $Garrick= wrote to $Mrs Abington=, relative to his practice in casting new plays: "That I may hear no more of this or that part in $Mr Murphy='s play, I now again tell you that every author since my management distributed his parts as he thinks will be of most service to his interest, nor have I ever interfered, or will interfere, unless I perceive that they would propose something contrary to common sense" (<i>Harvard Theatre Collection</i>, Autograph Letter Signed). Charges: #84 (Treasurer's Book).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 38420 | 17751127 | dl | Benefit for the Author of the Alterations (<i>Hopkins Diary</i>). [On this day $Garrick= wrote to $Mrs Abington=, relative to his practice in casting new plays: "That I may hear no more of this or that part in $Mr Murphy='s play, I now again tell you that every author since my management distributed his parts as he thinks will be of most service to his interest, nor have I ever interfered, or will interfere, unless I perceive that they would propose something contrary to common sense" (<i>Harvard Theatre Collection</i>, Autograph Letter Signed). Charges: #84 (Treasurer's Book)
    Performance: 80492 | 38420 | p | Old City Manners | As17751117, but Bramble-Usher for $Hurst=.
    AsSeeDate: 80492 | dl | p | As | 17751117
    137931 | 80492 | Bramble | Usher for $Hurst=.
    512528 | 80492 | Touchstone | Baddeley
    512529 | 80492 | Quicksilver | Dodd
    512530 | 80492 | Sir Petronel Flash | Palmer
    512531 | 80492 | Golding | Brereton
    512532 | 80492 | Security | Parsons
    512533 | 80492 | Seagull | Bannister
    512534 | 80492 | Fig | Whitfield
    512535 | 80492 | Waterman | Wright
    512536 | 80492 | Wolf | Wrighten
    512537 | 80492 | Holdfast | Griffith
    512538 | 80492 | Constable | Carpenter
    512539 | 80492 | Servant | Norris
    512540 | 80492 | Drawer | Garland
    512541 | 80492 | Footman | Everard
    512542 | 80492 | Scapethrift | Fawcett
    512543 | 80492 | Spendall | Cubitt
    512544 | 80492 | Coachman | Kear, Legg
    512545 | 80492 | Mildred | Miss P. Hopkins
    512546 | 80492 | Winifred | Mrs Whitfield
    512547 | 80492 | Sydney | Miss Platt
    512548 | 80492 | Mrs Touchstone | Mrs Johnston
    512549 | 80492 | Betty | Mrs Millidge
    512550 | 80492 | Gertrude | Mrs Wrighten
    Performance: 80493 | 38420 | a | The Deserter | As17751007, but Henry-Davies, first time.
    AsSeeDate: 80493 | dl | a | As | 17751007
    137932 | 80493 | Henry | Davies, first time.
    512551 | 80493 | Mercury | Vernon
    512552 | 80493 | Harlequin | Dodd
    512553 | 80493 | Tragedy | Mrs Smith
    512554 | 80493 | Comedy | Mrs Wrighten.
    512555 | 80493 | King | J. Aickin
    512556 | 80493 | Miller | Moody.
    512557 | 80493 | Russet | Bannister
    512558 | 80493 | Simpkin | Fawcett
    512559 | 80493 | Soldiers | Legg, Kear, Griffith, Carpenter
    512560 | 80493 | Skirmish | Parsons
    512561 | 80493 | Flint | Wright
    512562 | 80493 | Jenny | Mrs Wrighten
    512563 | 80493 | Margaret | Mrs Love
    512564 | 80493 | Louisa | Mrs Smith.
    Performance: 80494 | 38420 | d | II: <i>The Merry Peasants</i>, as17751018
    AsSeeDate: 80494 | dl | d | As | 17751018


As17751117, but Bramble-Usher for Hurst.


As17751007, but Henry-Davies, first time.


Comment: II: The Merry Peasants, as17751018

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