12 February 1774

Event Information
Theatre: King's Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1773-1774
Volume: 4
Comments: The Dance of the Adventures of the Haram of Ispahan is oblig'd to be omitted this evening on account of the preparations for the Masked Ball on Monday next

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *pking's Perseo. As 29 Jan. *dI: <i>Grand Serious Ballet</i>-Mariottini, Nina Favier; II: <i>Pastoral Ballet</i>-Bocchini, Sga Mazzoni; III: <i>Grand Chaconne</i>-Mariottini. *cThe Dance of the <i>Adventures of the Haram of Ispahan</i> is oblig'd to be omitted this evening on account of the preparations for the Masked Ball on Monday next.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1774 02 12 king's Perseo. ^As17740129^.*d1774 02 12 king's I: <i>Grand Serious Ballet</i>-Mariottini, Nina Favier; II: <i>Pastoral Ballet</i>-Bocchini, Sga Mazzoni; III: <i>Grand Chaconne</i>-Mariottini.*c1774 02 12 king's The Dance of the <i>Adventures of the Haram of Ispahan</i> is oblig'd to be omitted this evening on account of the preparations for the Masked Ball on Monday next.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 37474 | 17740212 | king's | The Dance of the <i>Adventures of the Haram of Ispahan</i> is oblig'd to be omitted this evening on account of the preparations for the Masked Ball on Monday next
    Performance: 78075 | 37474 | p | Perseo | As17740129.
    AsSeeDate: 78075 | king's | p | As | 17740129
    500447 | 78075 | Parts | Millico, Shiroli, Cecilia Davies.
    Performance: 78076 | 37474 | d | I: <i>Grand Serious Ballet</i>-Mariottini, Nina Favier; II: <i>Pastoral Ballet</i>-Bocchini, Sga Mazzoni; III: <i>Grand Chaconne</i>-Mariottini


Title: Perseo


Comment: I: Grand Serious Ballet-Mariottini, Nina Favier; II: Pastoral Ballet-Bocchini, Sga Mazzoni; III: Grand Chaconne-Mariottini

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