04 January 1774

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1773-1774
Volume: 4
Comments: Receipts: #174 4s. (Account Book)

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *pcg The Provok'd Husband. As 1 Dec. 1773, but Manly-Hull. *aThe Sylphs. As 3 Jan. *cReceipts: #174 4s. (Account Book).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1774 01 04 cg The Provok'd Husband. ^As17731201^, but Manly-Hull.*a1774 01 04 cg The Sylphs. ^As17740103^.*c1774 01 04 cg Receipts: #174 4s. (Account Book).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 37394 | 17740104 | cg | Receipts: #174 4s. (Account Book)
    Performance: 77900 | 37394 | p | The Provok'd Husband | As17731201, but Manly-Hull.
    AsSeeDate: 77900 | cg | p | As | 17731201
    132988 | 77900 | Manly | Hull.
    499254 | 77900 | Townly | Smith
    499255 | 77900 | Richard | Hamilton
    499256 | 77900 | Moody | Dunstall
    499257 | 77900 | Count Basset | Dyer
    499258 | 77900 | Sir Francis | Shuter
    499259 | 77900 | Lady Grace | Mrs Baker
    499260 | 77900 | Lady Wronghead | Mrs Pitt
    499261 | 77900 | Miss Jenny | Mrs Kniveton
    499262 | 77900 | Lady Townly | Mrs Bulkley.
    Performance: 77901 | 37394 | a | The Sylphs | As17740103.
    AsSeeDate: 77901 | cg | a | As | 17740103
    499263 | 77901 | Harlequin | Lewes
    499264 | 77901 | Principal Sylph | Miss Brown
    499265 | 77901 | Other characters | Quick, King, Wignell, Fox, Baker, Thompson, Banks, Wild, Harris, Davis, Hollingsworth, Mrs Pitt, Mrs Willems, Mrs Helme, Mrs White
    499266 | 77901 | Colombine | Miss Twist
    499267 | 77901 | The <i>Dances</i> | Fishar, Miss Valois, Miss Capon
    499268 | 77901 | To Conclude with a Capital Scene | never exhibited by $Servandoni=.


As17731201, but Manly-Hull.

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