19 November 1773

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1773-1774
Volume: 4
Comments: The Comic Opera Love in a Village oblig'd to be deferr'd on account of indisposition of Miss Catley. Tomorrow a new Comedy (never performed) call'd The Duellist. The subject of the new Comedy advertised for Performance Tomorrow, as far as we can guess, from the Title, is remarkably well timed. There is at this Day no predominant Passion carried to such a ridiculous extreme as Duelling. We can be laughed out of our Follies on the Stage when we defy the Power of pulpit Oratory and serious Argument. Let us hope therefore, that the comic Satirist of Tomorrow Evening may have exercised his Pen with some Ability on a very important subject (Public Advertiser). Receipts: #134 6s. (Account Book)

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *pcg She Stoops to Conquer. As 22 Oct. *aMidas. As 9 Oct. *cThe Comic Opera <i>Love in a Village</i> oblig'd to be deferr'd on account of indisposition of $Miss Catley=. Tomorrow a new Comedy (never performed) call'd <i>The Duellist</i>. The subject of the new Comedy advertised for Performance Tomorrow, as far as we can guess, from the Title, is remarkably well timed. There is at this Day no predominant Passion carried to such a ridiculous extreme as Duelling. We can be laughed out of our Follies on the Stage when we defy the Power of pulpit Oratory and serious Argument. Let us hope therefore, that the comic Satirist of Tomorrow Evening may have exercised his Pen with some Ability on a very important subject (<i>Public Advertiser</i>). Receipts: #134 6s. (Account Book).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1773 11 19 cg She Stoops to Conquer. ^As17731022^.*a1773 11 19 cg Midas. ^As17731009^.*c1773 11 19 cg The Comic Opera <i>Love in a Village</i> oblig'd to be deferr'd on account of indisposition of $Miss Catley=. Tomorrow a new Comedy (never performed) call'd <i>The Duellist</i>. The subject of the new Comedy advertised for Performance Tomorrow, as far as we can guess, from the Title, is remarkably well timed. There is at this Day no predominant Passion carried to such a ridiculous extreme as Duelling. We can be laughed out of our Follies on the Stage when we defy the Power of pulpit Oratory and serious Argument. Let us hope therefore, that the comic Satirist of Tomorrow Evening may have exercised his Pen with some Ability on a very important subject (<i>Public Advertiser</i>). Receipts: #134 6s. (Account Book).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 37306 | 17731119 | cg | The Comic Opera <i>Love in a Village</i> oblig'd to be deferr'd on account of indisposition of $Miss Catley=. Tomorrow a new Comedy (never performed) call'd <i>The Duellist</i>. The subject of the new Comedy advertised for Performance Tomorrow, as far as we can guess, from the Title, is remarkably well timed. There is at this Day no predominant Passion carried to such a ridiculous extreme as Duelling. We can be laughed out of our Follies on the Stage when we defy the Power of pulpit Oratory and serious Argument. Let us hope therefore, that the comic Satirist of Tomorrow Evening may have exercised his Pen with some Ability on a very important subject (<i>Public Advertiser</i>). Receipts: #134 6s. (Account Book)
    Performance: 77699 | 37306 | p | She Stoops To Conquer | As17731022.
    AsSeeDate: 77699 | cg | p | As | 17731022
    498088 | 77699 | Hardcastle | Shuter
    498089 | 77699 | Tony | Quick
    498090 | 77699 | Marlow | Lewes
    498091 | 77699 | Hastings | DuBellamy
    498092 | 77699 | Sir Charles Marlow | Gardner
    498093 | 77699 | Mrs Hardcastle | Mrs Green
    498094 | 77699 | Miss Neville | Mrs Kniveton
    498095 | 77699 | Miss Hardcastle | Miss Wilde, first time.
    Performance: 77700 | 37306 | a | Midas | As17731009.
    AsSeeDate: 77700 | cg | a | As | 17731009
    498096 | 77700 | Nysa | Miss Valois.
    498097 | 77700 | Mysis | Mrs Thompson, her first appearance any stage in 3 years.
    498098 | 77700 | Midas | Shuter
    498099 | 77700 | Apollo | Mattocks
    498100 | 77700 | Pan | Dunstall
    498101 | 77700 | Jupiter | Fox
    498102 | 77700 | Damaetas | Hollingsworth
    498103 | 77700 | Sileno | Baker
    498104 | 77700 | Juno | Miss Pearce
    498105 | 77700 | Daphne | Mrs Baker




Title: Midas

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