04 October 1773

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1773-1774
Volume: 4
Comments: Receipts: #207 1s. (Account Book)

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p4 cg King Richard III. Richard-Smith; King Henry-Kniveton; Richmond-Clarke; Buckingham-Hull; Catesby-Davis; Ratcliff-Thompson; Prince Edward-Miss Besford; Duke of York-Mas. Jones; Lieut.-Fox; Lord Mayor-Wignell; Stanley-Gardner; Tressel-Wroughton; Duchess of York-Mrs Ferguson; Lady Anne-Mrs Baker; Queen-Miss Miller. *aMidas. As 27 Sept. *cReceipts: #207 1s. (Account Book).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1773 10 04 cg King Richard III. Richard-Smith; King Henry-Kniveton; Richmond-Clarke; Buckingham-Hull; Catesby-Davis; Ratcliff-Thompson; Prince Edward-Miss Besford; Duke of York-Mas. Jones; Lieut.-Fox; Lord Mayor-Wignell; Stanley-Gardner; Tressel-Wroughton; Duchess of York-Mrs Ferguson; Lady Anne-Mrs Baker; Queen-Miss Miller.*a1773 10 04 cg Midas. ^As17730927^.*c1773 10 04 cg Receipts: #207 1s. (Account Book).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 37224 | 17731004 | cg | Receipts: #207 1s. (Account Book)
    Performance: 77514 | 37224 | p | King Richard Iii | Richard-Smith; King Henry-Kniveton; Richmond-Clarke; Buckingham-Hull; Catesby-Davis; Ratcliff-Thompson; Prince Edward-Miss Besford; Duke of York-Mas. Jones; Lieut.-Fox; Lord Mayor-Wignell; Stanley-Gardner; Tressel-Wroughton; Duchess of York-Mrs Ferguson; Lady Anne-Mrs Baker; Queen-Miss Miller.
    132017 | 77514 | Richard | Smith
    132018 | 77514 | King Henry | Kniveton
    132019 | 77514 | Richmond | Clarke
    132020 | 77514 | Buckingham | Hull
    132021 | 77514 | Catesby | Davis
    132022 | 77514 | Ratcliff | Thompson
    132023 | 77514 | Prince Edward | Miss Besford
    132024 | 77514 | Duke of York | Mas. Jones
    132025 | 77514 | Lieut. | Fox
    132026 | 77514 | Lord Mayor | Wignell
    132027 | 77514 | Stanley | Gardner
    132028 | 77514 | Tressel | Wroughton
    132029 | 77514 | Duchess of York | Mrs Ferguson
    132030 | 77514 | Lady Anne | Mrs Baker
    132031 | 77514 | Queen | Miss Miller.
    Performance: 77515 | 37224 | a | Midas | As17730927.
    AsSeeDate: 77515 | cg | a | As | 17730927
    497015 | 77515 | Mysis | Mrs Thompson, her first appearance any stage in 3 years.
    497016 | 77515 | Midas | Shuter
    497017 | 77515 | Apollo | Mattocks
    497018 | 77515 | Pan | Dunstall
    497019 | 77515 | Jupiter | Fox
    497020 | 77515 | Damaetas | Hollingsworth
    497021 | 77515 | Sileno | Baker
    497022 | 77515 | Juno | Miss Pearce
    497023 | 77515 | Daphne | Mrs Baker
    497024 | 77515 | Nysa | Mrs Mattocks.


Richard-Smith; King Henry-Kniveton; Richmond-Clarke; Buckingham-Hull; Catesby-Davis; Ratcliff-Thompson; Prince Edward-Miss Besford; Duke of York-Mas. Jones; Lieut.-Fox; Lord Mayor-Wignell; Stanley-Gardner; Tressel-Wroughton; Duchess of York-Mrs Ferguson; Lady Anne-Mrs Baker; Queen-Miss Miller.


Title: Midas

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