04 February 1769

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1768-1769
Volume: 4
Comments: Mainpiece: By Particular Desire. Receipts: #188 6s. 6d. (Account Book)

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?$cg The Wonder. As 15 Oct. 1768, but Pedro-Lewis. *a?$cg Harlequin Skeleton. As 31 Jan., but Harlequin-Lewes; Pierrot-Miles; Rural Swain-Arnauld; Nymph-Miss Valois. *c?$cg Mainpiece: By Particular Desire. Receipts: #188 6s. 6d. (Account Book).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1769 02 04 cg The Wonder. ^As17681015^, but Pedro-Lewis.*a1769 02 04 cg Harlequin Skeleton. ^As17690131^, but Harlequin-Lewes; Pierrot-Miles; Rural Swain-Arnauld; Nymph-Miss Valois.*c1769 02 04 cg Mainpiece: By Particular Desire. Receipts: #188 6s. 6d. (Account Book).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 34604 | 17690204 | cg | Mainpiece: By Particular Desire. Receipts: #188 6s. 6d. (Account Book)
    Performance: 71305 | 34604 | p | The Wonder | As17681015, but Pedro-Lewis.
    AsSeeDate: 71305 | cg | p | As | 17681015
    119843 | 71305 | Pedro | Lewis.
    466311 | 71305 | Felix | Powell
    466312 | 71305 | Briton | Smith
    466313 | 71305 | Lopez | Dunstall
    466314 | 71305 | Gibby | Shuter
    466315 | 71305 | Lissardo | Woodward
    466316 | 71305 | Frederick | Gardner
    466317 | 71305 | Isabella | Mrs Mattocks
    466318 | 71305 | Flora | Mrs Pitt
    466319 | 71305 | Inis | Mrs Green
    466320 | 71305 | Violante | Miss Macklin.
    Performance: 71306 | 34604 | a | Harlequin Skeleton | As17690131, but Harlequin-Lewes; Pierrot-Miles; Rural Swain-Arnauld; Nymph-Miss Valois.
    AsSeeDate: 71306 | cg | a | As | 17690131
    119844 | 71306 | Harlequin | Lewes
    119845 | 71306 | Pierrot | Miles
    119846 | 71306 | Rural Swain | Arnauld
    119847 | 71306 | Nymph | Miss Valois.
    466321 | 71306 | The Baby | the Giant
    466322 | 71306 | Chasseur Royal | Mahoon
    466323 | 71306 | Merlin | Legg
    466324 | 71306 | Diana | Mrs Baker
    466325 | 71306 | Doctor | Banks
    466326 | 71306 | Colombine | Mrs Dyer


As17681015, but Pedro-Lewis.


As17690131, but Harlequin-Lewes; Pierrot-Miles; Rural Swain-Arnauld; Nymph-Miss Valois.

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