09 March 1768

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1767-1768
Volume: 4
Comments: By Command of their Majesties. Published Animadversions on Mr Colman's True State etc., with some remarks on his little serious piece, The Oxonian in Town (20 pp.). [Criticizes the play as having a bad influence on the young, with its characters of whores, bawds and pickpockets. Did our author flatter himself that he could wipe out these rooted impressions with a cold moral sentence uttered by the mouth of a woman of pleasure, and perhaps never reaching the ears of one half of the audience from the variety of noises which accompany the finishing speech of every play?" Concludes: "The reputation of our Universities is a national concern of the highest and most sacred importance....I blush when I see academical characters brought upon the stage, but I burn when I see them lampooned."] House Charges: #35 (Account Book)

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p??cg Samson. As 19 Feb. *m??cg As 19 Feb. *c??cg By Command of $their Majesties=. Published <i>Animadversions on Mr Colman's True State etc.</i>, with some remarks on his little serious piece, <i>The Oxonian in Town</i> (20 pp.). [Criticizes the play as having a bad influence on the young, with its characters of whores, bawds and pickpockets. Did our author flatter himself that he could wipe out these rooted impressions with a cold moral sentence uttered by the mouth of a woman of pleasure, and perhaps never reaching the ears of one half of the audience from the variety of noises which accompany the finishing speech of every play?" Concludes: "The reputation of our Universities is a national concern of the highest and most sacred importance....I blush when I see academical characters brought upon the stage, but I burn when I see them lampooned."] House Charges: #35 (Account Book).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1768 03 09 cg Samson. ^As17680219^.*m1768 03 09 cg ^As17680219^.*c1768 03 09 cg By Command of $their Majesties=. Published <i>Animadversions on Mr Colman's True State etc.</i>, with some remarks on his little serious piece, <i>The Oxonian in Town</i> (20 pp.). [Criticizes the play as having a bad influence on the young, with its characters of whores, bawds and pickpockets. Did our author flatter himself that he could wipe out these rooted impressions with a cold moral sentence uttered by the mouth of a woman of pleasure, and perhaps never reaching the ears of one half of the audience from the variety of noises which accompany the finishing speech of every play?" Concludes: "The reputation of our Universities is a national concern of the highest and most sacred importance....I blush when I see academical characters brought upon the stage, but I burn when I see them lampooned."] House Charges: #35 (Account Book).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 34120 | 17680309 | cg | By Command of $their Majesties=. Published <i>Animadversions on Mr Colman's True State etc.</i>, with some remarks on his little serious piece, <i>The Oxonian in Town</i> (20 pp.). [Criticizes the play as having a bad influence on the young, with its characters of whores, bawds and pickpockets. Did our author flatter himself that he could wipe out these rooted impressions with a cold moral sentence uttered by the mouth of a woman of pleasure, and perhaps never reaching the ears of one half of the audience from the variety of noises which accompany the finishing speech of every play?" Concludes: "The reputation of our Universities is a national concern of the highest and most sacred importance....I blush when I see academical characters brought upon the stage, but I burn when I see them lampooned."] House Charges: #35 (Account Book)
    Performance: 70154 | 34120 | p | Samson | As17680219.
    AsSeeDate: 70154 | cg | p | As | 17680219
    460228 | 70154 | Parts were Samson
    460229 | 70154 | Manoa
    460230 | 70154 | Micah
    460231 | 70154 | Israelite Officer
    460232 | 70154 | Chorus of Israelites
    460233 | 70154 | Dalila
    460234 | 70154 | Harapha
    460235 | 70154 | Chorus of Philistine Women
    460236 | 70154 | Priests of Dagon | .
    Performance: 70155 | 34120 | m | As17680219
    AsSeeDate: 70155 | cg | m | As | 17680219


Title: Samson


Comment: As17680219

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