24 February 1767
Event Information
King's Theatre
Theatrical Season:
Half past 5 went to the 5s. Gallery at the Opera House to see the comic opera La Buona Figliola, altered from Goldoni. The Music by Sg Nic Piccini, a Neopolitan composer. The Marq by Sg Lovatini, Castina by Sga Zamporini, the German by Sg Marigi. These I believe are reckoned the best of the company. I can't say I was greatly entertained, tho the music is very pleasing. There is something very absurd and truly characteristic of the present age in supporting a set of people at an immense expense to perform plays in a language which very few here understand. We had dances after every act by Sg Adriani, Sga Radicati, &c. It is said the dances at the opera are better than those at the theatres, but I am no great judge either of music or dancing. The scenes, particularly that of the Garden with waterworks &c. are very fine. They who go into the Pit &c. must be in a vile French dress (Neville MS Diary)