02 January 1767

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1766-1767
Volume: 4
Comments: TThe Accomplish'd Maid is oblig'd to deferr'd. Receipts: #167 4s. (Account Book)

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?cg The Stratagem. As 11 Nov. 1766, but Aimwell-Ross; Mrs Sullen-Miss Elliot[, 1st time%. *a?cg Harlequin Dr Faustus. As 1 Jan. *c?cg <i>TThe Accomplish'd Maid</i> is oblig'd to deferr'd. Receipts: #167 4s. (Account Book).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1767 01 02 cg The Stratagem. ^As17661111^, but Aimwell-Ross; Mrs Sullen-Miss Elliot, 1st time.*a1767 01 02 cg Harlequin Dr Faustus. ^As17670101^.*c1767 01 02 cg <i>TThe Accomplish'd Maid</i> is oblig'd to deferr'd. Receipts: #167 4s. (Account Book).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 33442 | 17670102 | cg | <i>TThe Accomplish'd Maid</i> is oblig'd to deferr'd. Receipts: #167 4s. (Account Book)
    Performance: 68613 | 33442 | p | The Stratagem | As17661111, but Aimwell-Ross; Mrs Sullen-Miss Elliot, 1st time.
    AsSeeDate: 68613 | cg | p | As | 17661111
    114858 | 68613 | Aimwell | Ross
    114859 | 68613 | Mrs Sullen | Miss Elliot, 1st time.
    451947 | 68613 | Archer | Smith
    451948 | 68613 | Sullen | Walker
    451949 | 68613 | Foigard | Barrington
    451950 | 68613 | Gibbet | Bennet
    451951 | 68613 | Scrub | Shuter
    451952 | 68613 | Boniface | Anderson
    451953 | 68613 | Sir Charles | R. Smith
    451954 | 68613 | Lady Bountiful | Mrs Ferguson
    451955 | 68613 | Cherry | Miss Vincent
    451956 | 68613 | Dorinda | Mrs Mattocks
    Performance: 68614 | 33442 | a | Harlequin Dr Faustus | As17670101.
    AsSeeDate: 68614 | cg | a | As | 17670101
    451957 | 68614 | The Other Characters | _Banks, <i>Buck.
    451958 | 68614 | The Dances | Sga _Manesiere.
    451959 | 68614 | Harlequin | Woodward
    451960 | 68614 | The <i>Dances</i> | Arnauld, Miss Valois, Dumai, Petro, Rayner, Hussey, Curtat, King, Miss D. Twist, Miss Daw, Miss Pitt, Miss Barowby, Miss Twist, Miss Hilliard, Fishar, Sga Manesiere. With New Music, Scenes, Habits and Decorations.


As17661111, but Aimwell-Ross; Mrs Sullen-Miss Elliot, 1st time.


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