14 May 1766

Event Information
Theatre: Drury Lane Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1765-1766
Volume: 4
Comments: Benefit for Mortimer, Tomlinson and West. Tickets deliver'd for Rule a Wife (which is oblidg'd on account of Palmer's Indisposition) will be taken

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?dl The Tempest. As 30 April, but Ariel-Miss Young; <i>New Epilogue</i>-Tomlinson. *a?dl A Fairy Tale. As 11 Feb., but The Characters-<i>Ackman, _Castle. *d?dl End: +Hearts of Oak</i>, as 7 Feb. *c?dl Benefit for $Mortimer=, $Tomlinson= and $West=. Tickets deliver'd for <i>Rule a Wife</i> (which is oblidg'd on account of $Palmer='s Indisposition) will be taken.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1766 05 14 dl The Tempest. ^As17660430^ but Ariel-Miss Young; <i>New Epilogue</i>-Tomlinson.*a1766 05 14 dl A Fairy Tale. ^As17660211^, but The Characters-<i>Ackman, _Castle.*d1766 05 14 dl End: <i>Hearts of Oak</i>, ^as17660207^.*c1766 05 14 dl Benefit for $Mortimer=, $Tomlinson= and $West=. Tickets deliver'd for <i>Rule a Wife</i> (which is oblidg'd on account of $Palmer='s Indisposition) will be taken.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 33193 | 17660514 | dl | Benefit for $Mortimer=, $Tomlinson= and $West=. Tickets deliver'd for <i>Rule a Wife</i> (which is oblidg'd on account of $Palmer='s Indisposition) will be taken
    Performance: 68062 | 33193 | p | The Tempest | As17660430 but Ariel-Miss Young; <i>New Epilogue</i>-Tomlinson.
    AsSeeDate: 68062 | dl | p | As | 17660430
    113444 | 68062 | Ariel | Miss Young
    113445 | 68062 | <i>New Epilogue</i> | Tomlinson.
    449293 | 68062 | Prospero | Havard
    449294 | 68062 | Stephano | King
    449295 | 68062 | Caliban | Love
    449296 | 68062 | Ferdinand | Vernon
    449297 | 68062 | Trinculo | Yates
    449298 | 68062 | Ceres | Mrs Vincent
    449299 | 68062 | Miranda | Mrs Palmer
    449300 | 68062 | Hymen | Kear
    449301 | 68062 | <i>Grand Dance</i> of Fantastic Spirits
    449302 | 68062 | The other <i>Dances</i> | Sg Giorgi, Sga Giorgi, Miss Baker.
    Performance: 68063 | 33193 | a | A Fairy Tale | As17660211, but The Characters-<i>Ackman, _Castle.
    AsSeeDate: 68063 | dl | a | As | 17660211
    113446 | 68063 | The Characters | <i>Ackman, _Castle.
    449303 | 68063 | The <i>Characters</i> | Moody, Baddeley, Castle, Strange, Ackman, Watkins
    449304 | 68063 | the <i>Fairies</i> | Miss Rogers, Miss Ford, Mas. Cape, Miss Wright
    449305 | 68063 | To Conclude with a <i>Fairy Dance</i> | Miss Rogers, Miss Ford.
    Performance: 68064 | 33193 | d | End: <i>Hearts of Oak</i>, as17660207
    AsSeeDate: 68064 | dl | d | As | 17660207


As17660430 but Ariel-Miss Young; New Epilogue-Tomlinson.


As17660211, but The Characters-Ackman, _Castle.


Comment: End: Hearts of Oak, as17660207

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