08 May 1766

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1765-1766
Volume: 4
Comments: Mainpiece: Positively for the last time this season. Love in a Village oblig'd to be deferr'd on account of the Indisposition of Miss Brent

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?cg The Maid of the Mill. As 1 May, but Theodosia-Mrs Baker; Patty-Mrs Mattocks. *a?cg The Apprentice. As 29 April, but Apprentice-Woodward. *d?cg II: <i>The Sicilian Peasants</i>, as 11 March. *c?cg Mainpiece: Positively for the last time this season. <i>Love in a Village</i> oblig'd to be deferr'd on account of the Indisposition of $Miss Brent=.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1766 05 08 cg The Maid of the Mill. ^As17660501^, but Theodosia-Mrs Baker; Patty-Mrs Mattocks.*a1766 05 08 cg The Apprentice. ^As17660429^ but Apprentice-Woodward.*d1766 05 08 cg II: <i>The Sicilian Peasants</i>, ^as17660311^.*c1766 05 08 cg Mainpiece: Positively for the last time this season. <i>Love in a Village</i> oblig'd to be deferr'd on account of the Indisposition of $Miss Brent=.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 33184 | 17660508 | cg | Mainpiece: Positively for the last time this season. <i>Love in a Village</i> oblig'd to be deferr'd on account of the Indisposition of $Miss Brent=
    Performance: 68037 | 33184 | p | The Maid Of The Mill | As17660501, but Theodosia-Mrs Baker; Patty-Mrs Mattocks.
    AsSeeDate: 68037 | cg | p | As | 17660501
    113402 | 68037 | Theodosia | Mrs Baker
    113403 | 68037 | Patty | Mrs Mattocks.
    449170 | 68037 | Mervin | Baker.
    449171 | 68037 | Lord Aimworth | Mattocks
    449172 | 68037 | Sycamore | Shuter
    449173 | 68037 | Giles | Beard
    449174 | 68037 | Fairfield | Gibson
    449175 | 68037 | Ralph | Dibdin
    449176 | 68037 | Lady Sycamore | Mrs Pitt
    449177 | 68037 | Fanny | Miss Poitier
    449178 | 68037 | a <i>Dance Incidental to the Opera</i> | Fichar, Arnauld, Sga Manesiere, Miss Wilford.
    Performance: 68038 | 33184 | a | The Apprentice | As17660429 but Apprentice-Woodward.
    AsSeeDate: 68038 | cg | a | As | 17660429
    113404 | 68038 | Apprentice | Woodward.
    449179 | 68038 | Dick | Davis
    449180 | 68038 | Spouters | Perry, R. Smith, Murden, Morgan
    449181 | 68038 | Wingate | Dunstall.
    449182 | 68038 | Gargle | Anderson
    449183 | 68038 | Scotchman | Bennet
    449184 | 68038 | Irishman | Barrington
    449185 | 68038 | Catchpole | Buck
    449186 | 68038 | Simon | Cushing
    449187 | 68038 | Watchman | Weller
    449188 | 68038 | Porter | Gardner
    449189 | 68038 | President | Perry
    449190 | 68038 | Three members | Holtom, Murden, Mas. Morgan
    449191 | 68038 | Charlotte | Mrs Evans.
    Performance: 68039 | 33184 | d | II: <i>The Sicilian Peasants</i>, as17660311
    AsSeeDate: 68039 | cg | d | As | 17660311


As17660501, but Theodosia-Mrs Baker; Patty-Mrs Mattocks.


As17660429 but Apprentice-Woodward.


Comment: II: The Sicilian Peasants, as17660311

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