09 April 1765

Event Information
Theatre: Drury Lane Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1764-1765
Volume: 4

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?idl A Bold Stroke for a Wife. As 25 Sept. 1764, but Periwinkle-Parsons. *a?idl Queen Mab. As 8 April [but $Grimaldi= restored to playbill, but not to <i>Public Advertiser</i> notice]. *d?idl II: <i>New Tambourine</i>, as 29 Sept. 1764.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1765 04 09 dl A Bold Stroke for a Wife. ^As17640925^, but Periwinkle-Parsons.*a1765 04 09 dl Queen Mab. ^As17650408^[but $Grimaldi= restored to playbill, but not to <i>Public Advertiser</i> notice].*d1765 04 09 dl II: <i>New Tambourine</i>, ^as17640929^.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 32658 | 17650409 | dl
    Performance: 66772 | 32658 | p | A Bold Stroke For A Wife | As17640925, but Periwinkle-Parsons.
    AsSeeDate: 66772 | dl | p | As | 17640925
    111123 | 66772 | Periwinkle | Parsons.
    442794 | 66772 | Fainwell | King
    442795 | 66772 | Freeman | Packer
    442796 | 66772 | Sir Philip Modelove | Baddeley
    442797 | 66772 | Obadiah | Moody
    442798 | 66772 | Simon Pure | Vaughan
    442799 | 66772 | Tradelove | Burton
    442800 | 66772 | Sackbut | Bransby
    442801 | 66772 | Betty | Mrs Smith
    442802 | 66772 | Mrs Prim | Mrs Bradshaw
    442803 | 66772 | Mrs Lovely | Miss Plym.
    Performance: 66773 | 32658 | a | Queen Mab | As17650408[but $Grimaldi= restored to playbill, but not to <i>Public Advertiser</i> notice].
    AsSeeDate: 66773 | dl | a | As | 17650408
    442804 | 66773 | Watchman | Moody
    442805 | 66773 | Cook | Johnston.
    442806 | 66773 | Harlequin | Rooker
    442807 | 66773 | Pantaloon | Grimaldi
    442808 | 66773 | Silvio | Baddeley
    442809 | 66773 | Clod | Ackman
    442810 | 66773 | Maigre | Keen
    442811 | 66773 | Puck | Mas. Cape
    442812 | 66773 | Maid | Mrs Bradshaw
    442813 | 66773 | Queen Mab | Miss Ford
    442814 | 66773 | Fairy | Miss Rogers
    442815 | 66773 | Colombine | Miss Baker
    442816 | 66773 | To conclude with a <i>dance of Fairies</i> | .
    Performance: 66774 | 32658 | d | II: <i>New Tambourine</i>, as17640929
    AsSeeDate: 66774 | dl | d | As | 17640929


As17640925, but Periwinkle-Parsons.


As17650408[but Grimaldi restored to playbill, but not to Public Advertiser notice].


Comment: II: New Tambourine, as17640929

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