12 January 1765

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1764-1765
Volume: 4
Comments: By Particular Desire

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p? cg The Relapse. As 16 Nov. 1764, but Shoemaker-Anderson. *a? cg Perseus and Andromeda. As 5 Jan. *c? cg By Particular Desire.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1765 01 12 cg The Relapse. ^As17641116^, but Shoemaker-Anderson.*a1765 01 12 cg Perseus and Andromeda. ^As17650105^.*c1765 01 12 cg By Particular Desire.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 32505 | 17650112 | cg | By Particular Desire
    Performance: 66428 | 32505 | p | The Relapse | As17641116, but Shoemaker-Anderson.
    AsSeeDate: 66428 | cg | p | As | 17641116
    110775 | 66428 | Shoemaker | Anderson.
    441161 | 66428 | Lord Foppington | Woodward
    441162 | 66428 | Loveless | Smith
    441163 | 66428 | Worthy | Ross
    441164 | 66428 | Syringe | Shuter
    441165 | 66428 | Lory | Cushing
    441166 | 66428 | Taylor | Perry
    441167 | 66428 | Varole | Holtom
    441168 | 66428 | Young Fashion | Dyer
    441169 | 66428 | Tunbelly | Dunstall
    441170 | 66428 | Coupler | Hayes
    441171 | 66428 | Amanda | Mrs Vincent
    441172 | 66428 | Nurse | Mrs Pitt
    441173 | 66428 | Miss Hoyden | Miss Hallam
    441174 | 66428 | Berinthia | Miss Elliot.
    Performance: 66429 | 32505 | a | Perseus and Andromeda | As17650105.
    AsSeeDate: 66429 | cg | a | As | 17650105
    441175 | 66429 | <i>Grand Ballet</i> | Fichar, Miss Wilford.
    441176 | 66429 | Mercury | Dibdin
    441177 | 66429 | Petit Maitre | Baker
    441178 | 66429 | Hussar | Weller.
    441179 | 66429 | Cassiope | Mrs Baker.
    441180 | 66429 | Harlequin | Miles
    441181 | 66429 | Hussar's Serv't | Cushing.
    441182 | 66429 | Perseus | Mattocks
    441183 | 66429 | Andromeda | Miss Weirman, 1st appearance on the stage
    441184 | 66429 | Cepheus | Legg
    441185 | 66429 | Amazon | Mrs Lampe
    441186 | 66429 | Magician | Dibdin
    441187 | 66429 | Valet de Chambre | Holtom
    441188 | 66429 | Colombine | Mrs Dyer
    441189 | 66429 | Concluding with a <i>Grand Ballet</i> | M Duquesney, Miss Wilford.


As17641116, but Shoemaker-Anderson.



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