10 November 1764

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1764-1765
Volume: 4
Comments: Books of the opera sold at the theatre

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p??cg Love in a Village. As 31 Oct. *d??cg II: <i>La Femme Maitresse</i>, as 4 Oct. *c??cg Books of the opera sold at the theatre.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1764 11 10 cg Love in a Village. ^As17641031^.*d1764 11 10 cg II: <i>La Femme Maitresse</i>, ^as17641004^.*c1764 11 10 cg Books of the opera sold at the theatre.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 32387 | 17641110 | cg | Books of the opera sold at the theatre
    Performance: 66149 | 32387 | p | Love In A Village | As17641031.
    AsSeeDate: 66149 | cg | p | As | 17641031
    439555 | 66149 | Lucinda | Miss Hallam.
    439556 | 66149 | Hawthorn | Beard
    439557 | 66149 | Woodcock | Shuter
    439558 | 66149 | Sir Wm Meadows | Bennet
    439559 | 66149 | Young Meadows | Mattocks
    439560 | 66149 | Eustace | Dyer
    439561 | 66149 | Hodge | Dunstall
    439562 | 66149 | Margery | Mrs Stephens
    439563 | 66149 | Deborah | Mrs Walker
    439564 | 66149 | Rosetta | Miss Brent
    439565 | 66149 | Servants at the Statute | Barrington
    439566 | 66149 | <i>Dances</i> incident to the Opera | Leppie, Miss Twist.
    Performance: 66150 | 32387 | d | II: <i>La Femme Maitresse</i>, as17641004
    AsSeeDate: 66150 | cg | d | As | 17641004




Comment: II: La Femme Maitresse, as17641004

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