09 March 1764

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1762-1763
Volume: 4
Comments: By Command of Their Majesties. Pit and Boxes put together. No Person to be admitted without Tickets, which will be delivered this Day at the Office in the Theatre at Half a Guinea each. First Gallery 5s. Upper Gallery 3s. 6d. Gallery to be opened at half an hour after Four. Pit and Boxes at Five. To begin at Half after Six

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p??cg L'Allegro, Il Penseroso, Dryden's Ode. *m??cg <i>CConcerto</i> on <i>Organ</i>-Stanley. *c??cg By Command of $Their Majesties=. Pit and Boxes put together. No Person to be admitted without Tickets, which will be delivered this Day at the Office in the Theatre at Half a Guinea each. First Gallery 5s. Upper Gallery 3s. 6d. Gallery to be opened at half an hour after Four. Pit and Boxes at Five. To begin at Half after Six.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1764 03 09 cg L'Allegro, Il Penseroso, Dryden's Ode.*m1764 03 09 cg <i>CConcerto</i> on <i>Organ</i>-Stanley.*c1764 03 09 cg By Command of $Their Majesties=. Pit and Boxes put together. No Person to be admitted without Tickets, which will be delivered this Day at the Office in the Theatre at Half a Guinea each. First Gallery 5s. Upper Gallery 3s. 6d. Gallery to be opened at half an hour after Four. Pit and Boxes at Five. To begin at Half after Six.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 32130 | 17640309 | cg | By Command of $Their Majesties=. Pit and Boxes put together. No Person to be admitted without Tickets, which will be delivered this Day at the Office in the Theatre at Half a Guinea each. First Gallery 5s. Upper Gallery 3s. 6d. Gallery to be opened at half an hour after Four. Pit and Boxes at Five. To begin at Half after Six
    Performance: 65469 | 32130 | p | L'allegro, Il Penseroso, Dryden's Ode
    Performance: 65470 | 32130 | m | <i>CConcerto</i> on <i>Organ</i>-Stanley


None Listed


Comment: CConcerto on Organ-Stanley

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