24 January 1764
Event Information
King's Theatre
Theatrical Season:
There will not be any Tickets sold at the Office for this Night. Those disappointed from not being able to get in to the performance on Saturday last shall be admitted this evening at Siroe or on Saturday next when Leucippo will be performed again; but in case any Lady or Gentleman should choose rather to have their money, it will be paid at the treasurer's office at the theatre this morning, from ten to three O'clock, on returning the tickets. As every precaution was taken to facilitate the entrance of the company by obtaining an additional guard, besides two magistrates who were so kind as to attend with an additional number of constables; nevertheless the weight was so great from the throng that the centinels and the peace officers were forced from their posts, the doors burst open and broke to pieces, to the very great prejudice of the manager. Mr Giardini humbly hopes that those...who had not the opportunity of paying when they were carried in by the torrent, will be so good as to send their money to Mr Spilsbury. Picked up at the Opera House Last Saturday Night a black satin cloak lined with White and a black lace round it. Recovery may be had of Major Spinnage for the cost of the advertising
I: Duberval; II: Le Matellot Provencalle, as17640110; III: A New Dance, The Encampment-