21 April 1762

Event Information
Theatre: The Great Room, Dean Street, Soho
Theatrical Season: 1761-1762
Volume: 4
Comments: Benefit for Signora Frasi. At the Great Room, Dean St. Tickets half a Guinea; Gallery 5s. Tickets delivered for 25 March will be taken. To begin at 6:30 p.m

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p??soho Judas Maccabaeus. *m??soho <i>CConcerto on Organ</i>-Stanley. *c??soho Benefit for $Signora Frasi=. At the <i>Great Room</i>, <i>Dean St</i>. Tickets half a Guinea; Gallery 5s. Tickets delivered for 25 March will be taken. To begin at 6:30 p.m.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1762 04 21 soho Judas Maccabaeus.*m1762 04 21 soho <i>CConcerto on Organ</i>-Stanley.*c1762 04 21 soho Benefit for $Signora Frasi=. At the <i>Great Room</i>, <i>Dean St</i>. Tickets half a Guinea; Gallery 5s. Tickets delivered for 25 March will be taken. To begin at 6:30 p.m.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 31202 | 17620421 | soho | Benefit for $Signora Frasi=. At the <i>Great Room</i>, <i>Dean St</i>. Tickets half a Guinea; Gallery 5s. Tickets delivered for 25 March will be taken. To begin at 6:30 p.m
    Performance: 63338 | 31202 | p | Judas Maccabaeus
    Performance: 63339 | 31202 | m | <i>CConcerto on Organ</i>-Stanley


None Listed


Comment: CConcerto on Organ-Stanley

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