20 November 1761

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1761-1762
Volume: 4
Comments: Income from Boxes #64 5s. Expenses #45 11s. 8d. Receipts: #191 1s. (Winston Theatrical Record)

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?Tcg King Henry V. As 17 Nov. *a?Tcg The Coronation. As 13 Nov. *c?Tcg Income from Boxes #64 5s. Expenses #45 11s. 8d. Receipts: #191 1s. (<i>Winston Theatrical Record</i>).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1761 11 20 cg King Henry V. ^As17611117^.*a1761 11 20 cg The Coronation. ^As17611113^.*c1761 11 20 cg Income from Boxes #64 5s. Expenses #45 11s. 8d. Receipts: #191 1s. (<i>Winston Theatrical Record</i>).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 30915 | 17611120 | cg | Income from Boxes #64 5s. Expenses #45 11s. 8d. Receipts: #191 1s. (<i>Winston Theatrical Record</i>)
    Performance: 62709 | 30915 | p | King Henry V | As17611117.
    AsSeeDate: 62709 | cg | p | As | 17611117
    422263 | 62709 | MacMorris | Barrington
    422264 | 62709 | Jamy | Dunstall
    422265 | 62709 | Bardolph | Marten.
    422266 | 62709 | King Henry | Smith
    422267 | 62709 | Exeter | Tindal
    422268 | 62709 | Acbp Canterbury | Sparks
    422269 | 62709 | Fluellin | Shuter
    422270 | 62709 | Gower | Anderson
    422271 | 62709 | Pistol | Dyer
    422272 | 62709 | Hostess | Mrs Pitt
    422273 | 62709 | Williams | Buck
    422274 | 62709 | King of France | Gibson
    422275 | 62709 | Burgundy | Hull
    422276 | 62709 | Dauphin | Davis
    422277 | 62709 | Constable | Clarke
    422278 | 62709 | Isabel | Mrs Stephens
    422279 | 62709 | Catherine | Mrs Bellamy.
    Performance: 62710 | 30915 | a | The Coronation | As17611113.
    AsSeeDate: 62710 | cg | a | As | 17611113
    422280 | 62710 | The Procession from the Abbey at the Coronation
    422281 | 62710 | with the Representation of Westminster Hall
    422282 | 62710 | and the <i>Ceremony of the Champion</i>



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