27 October 1761

Event Information
Theatre: King's Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1761-1762
Volume: 4
Comments: To begin at half past six. [A note on Sat. 31 Oct. in The Public Advertiser indicates that Signora Mattei was having trouble getting enough subscriptions.

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?;king's Il Filosofo Di Campagna. *c?;king's To begin at half past six. [A note on Sat. 31 Oct. in The <i>Public Advertiser</i> indicates that $Signora Mattei= was having trouble getting enough subscriptions.]
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1761 10 27 king's Il Filosofo Di Campagna.*c1761 10 27 king's To begin at half past six. [A note on Sat. 31 Oct. in The <i>Public Advertiser</i> indicates that $Signora Mattei= was having trouble getting enough subscriptions.]
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 30869 | 17611027 | king's | To begin at half past six. [A note on Sat. 31 Oct. in The <i>Public Advertiser</i> indicates that $Signora Mattei= was having trouble getting enough subscriptions.
    Performance: 62605 | 30869 | p | Il Filosofo Di Campagna


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