01 January 1761

Event Information
Theatre: Drury Lane Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1760-1761
Volume: 4

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?dl The Beggar's Opera. As 23 Sept. 1760. *a?dl Harlequin's Invasion. As 11 Oct. 1760.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1761 01 01 dl The Beggar's Opera. ^As17600923^.*a1761 01 01 dl Harlequin's Invasion. ^As17601011^.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 30420 | 17610101 | dl
    Performance: 61617 | 30420 | p | The Beggar's Opera | As17600923.
    AsSeeDate: 61617 | dl | p | As | 17600923
    417105 | 61617 | Macheath | Lowe, 1st appearance here in 12 years
    417106 | 61617 | Peachum | Yates
    417107 | 61617 | Lockit | Bransby
    417108 | 61617 | Filch | Fawcett, 1st appearance on this stage
    417109 | 61617 | Mat of the Mint | Balkes
    417110 | 61617 | Beggar | Burton
    417111 | 61617 | Player | Mozeen
    417112 | 61617 | Lucy | Mrs Clive
    417113 | 61617 | Diana Trapes | Mrs Havard
    417114 | 61617 | Mrs Peachum | Mrs Cross
    417115 | 61617 | Polly | Mrs Vincent, 1st appearance on any stage
    417116 | 61617 | <i>Hornpipe</i> dance | Miss Dawson, 1st appearance on this stage
    417117 | 61617 | To conclude with a <i>Country Dance</i> | the Characters of the Opera.
    Performance: 61618 | 30420 | a | Harlequin's Invasion | As17601011.
    AsSeeDate: 61618 | dl | a | As | 17601011
    417118 | 61618 | Harlequin | King
    417119 | 61618 | Others | Yates, Bransby, Moody, Blakes, Burton, Clough, Packer, Vaughan, Mrs Bennet, Miss Pope
    417120 | 61618 | The Vocal Parts | Champnes, Fawcett, Miss Young
    417121 | 61618 | The <i>Dances</i> | Sig Grimaldi, Sig Giorgi, Miss Baker
    417122 | 61618 | and a <i>New Hornpipe</i> | Miss Dawson.



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