29 March 1760

Event Information
Theatre: King's Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1759-1760
Volume: 4
Comments: The Operas for the future are to be for the benefit of the actors and actresses, who beg a continuance of that generous protection which they acknowledge to have received from the Subscribers, the Nobility, and gentry of this Kingdom. [The notice subsequently repeated.

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p??king's Arminio. See 8 March. *c??king's The Operas for the future are to be for the benefit of the actors and actresses, who beg a continuance of that generous protection which they acknowledge to have received from the Subscribers, the Nobility, and gentry of this Kingdom. [The notice subsequently repeated.]
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1760 03 29 king's Arminio. ^See17600308^.*c1760 03 29 king's The Operas for the future are to be for the benefit of the actors and actresses, who beg a continuance of that generous protection which they acknowledge to have received from the Subscribers, the Nobility, and gentry of this Kingdom. [The notice subsequently repeated.]
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 30054 | 17600329 | king's | The Operas for the future are to be for the benefit of the actors and actresses, who beg a continuance of that generous protection which they acknowledge to have received from the Subscribers, the Nobility, and gentry of this Kingdom. [The notice subsequently repeated.
    Performance: 60887 | 30054 | p | Arminio | See17600308.


Title: Arminio
None Listed

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