01 January 1663

Event Information
Theatre: Lincoln's Inn Fields
Theatrical Season: 1662-1663
Volume: 1
Comments: The Duke's Company. Pepys, Diary: To the Duke's House, where we saw The Villane again; and the more I see it, the more I am offended at my first undervaluing the play, it being very good and pleasant, and yet a true and allowable tragedy. The house was full of citizens, and so the less pleasant, but that I was willing to make an end of my gaddings, and to set to my business for all the year again to-morrow. Here we saw the old Roxalana [Mrs Davenport] in the chief box, in a velvet gown, as the fashion is, and very handsome, at which I was glad

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *plif The Villain. See 18 Oct. 1662. *clif The <i>Duke's Company</i>. <i>Pepys, Diary</i>: To the Duke's House, where we saw <i>The Villane</i> again; and the more I see it, the more I am offended at my first undervaluing the play, it being very good and pleasant, and yet a true and allowable tragedy. The house was full of citizens, and so the less pleasant, but that I was willing to make an end of my gaddings, and to set to my business for all the year again to-morrow. Here we saw the old <i>Roxalana</i> [$Mrs Davenport=] in the chief box, in a velvet gown, as the fashion is, and very handsome, at which I was glad.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1663 01 01 lif The Villain. ^See16621018^.*c1663 01 01 lif The <i>Duke's Company</i>. <i>Pepys, Diary</i>: To the Duke's House, where we saw <i>The Villane</i> again; and the more I see it, the more I am offended at my first undervaluing the play, it being very good and pleasant, and yet a true and allowable tragedy. The house was full of citizens, and so the less pleasant, but that I was willing to make an end of my gaddings, and to set to my business for all the year again to-morrow. Here we saw the old <i>Roxalana</i> [$Mrs Davenport=] in the chief box, in a velvet gown, as the fashion is, and very handsome, at which I was glad.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 299 | 16630101 | lif | The <i>Duke's Company</i>. <i>Pepys, Diary</i>: To the Duke's House, where we saw <i>The Villane</i> again; and the more I see it, the more I am offended at my first undervaluing the play, it being very good and pleasant, and yet a true and allowable tragedy. The house was full of citizens, and so the less pleasant, but that I was willing to make an end of my gaddings, and to set to my business for all the year again to-morrow. Here we saw the old <i>Roxalana</i> [$Mrs Davenport=] in the chief box, in a velvet gown, as the fashion is, and very handsome, at which I was glad
    Performance: 299 | 299 | p | The Villain | See16621018.


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