27 November 1704

Event Information
Theatre: Drury Lane Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1704-1705
Volume: 2
Comments: Note, That the Theatre in Dorset-Garden being now repair'd from the Damage done by the late great Winds, the same will be ready by the latter end of this Week to Act in, or for Entertainments of Musick and Danceing

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *pD?dl The Plain Dealer. *mD?dl [Several% Italian sonatas on the violin-Gasperini. *dD?dl <i>Spanish Dance</i>, <i>Punchanello</i>-Cherrier; Other Dances-Mrs Lucas, Mrs Bicknell. *cD?dl Note, That the Theatre in <i>Dorset-Garden</i> being now repair'd from the Damage done by the late great Winds, the same will be ready by the latter end of this Week to Act in, or for Entertainments of Musick and Danceing.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1704 11 27 dl The Plain Dealer.*m1704 11 27 dl Several Italian sonatas on the violin-Gasperini.*d1704 11 27 dl <i>Spanish Dance</i>, <i>Punchanello</i>-Cherrier; Other Dances-Mrs Lucas, Mrs Bicknell.*c1704 11 27 dl Note, That the Theatre in <i>Dorset-Garden</i> being now repair'd from the Damage done by the late great Winds, the same will be ready by the latter end of this Week to Act in, or for Entertainments of Musick and Danceing.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 2975 | 17041127 | dl | Note, That the Theatre in <i>Dorset-Garden</i> being now repair'd from the Damage done by the late great Winds, the same will be ready by the latter end of this Week to Act in, or for Entertainments of Musick and Danceing
    Performance: 3749 | 2975 | p | The Plain Dealer
    Performance: 3750 | 2975 | m | Several Italian sonatas on the violin-Gasperini
    Performance: 3751 | 2975 | d | <i>Spanish Dance</i>, <i>Punchanello</i>-Cherrier; Other Dances-Mrs Lucas, Mrs Bicknell


None Listed


Comment: Several Italian sonatas on the violin-Gasperini


Comment: Spanish Dance, Punchanello-Cherrier; Other Dances-Mrs Lucas, Mrs Bicknell

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