26 July 1759

Event Information
Theatre: Mary-le-Bone Gardens
Theatrical Season: 1758-1759
Volume: 4
Comments: Benefit Signora Saratina. A new tragicomical Burletta, Musick composed by Pergolesi. Scenes and Cloaths entirely new. Tickets at Mr Oswald's Music Shop. 2s. 6d

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p??marly La Strattaggemma; or, The Stratagem. *s??marly Before the Burletta: Singing-; several songs, a duetto-Signora Saratina, Reinhold. *c??marly Benefit $Signora Saratina=. A new tragicomical Burletta, Musick composed by $Pergolesi=. Scenes and Cloaths entirely new. Tickets at Mr <i>Oswald's Music Shop</i>. 2s. 6d.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1759 07 26 marly La Strattaggemma; or, The Stratagem.*s1759 07 26 marly Before the Burletta: Singing-; several songs, a duetto-Signora Saratina, Reinhold.*c1759 07 26 marly Benefit $Signora Saratina=. A new tragicomical Burletta, Musick composed by $Pergolesi=. Scenes and Cloaths entirely new. Tickets at Mr <i>Oswald's Music Shop</i>. 2s. 6d.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 29662 | 17590726 | marly | Benefit $Signora Saratina=. A new tragicomical Burletta, Musick composed by $Pergolesi=. Scenes and Cloaths entirely new. Tickets at Mr <i>Oswald's Music Shop</i>. 2s. 6d
    Performance: 60087 | 29662 | p | La Strattaggemma; Or, The Stratagem
    Performance: 60088 | 29662 | s | Before the Burletta: Singing-; several songs, a duetto-Signora Saratina, Reinhold


None Listed


Comment: Before the Burletta: Singing-; several songs, a duetto-Signora Saratina, Reinhold

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