29 March 1759

Event Information
Theatre: Haymarket Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1758-1759
Volume: 4
Comments: By Authority, for three nights only. 7 p.m. Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. Gallery 2s. Books of the Burletta to be had at the Theatre, Price 1s. [See account of interdicted performance, 12 Jan.

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?]hay La Serva Padrona. [Regulated by $Storace= and $Oswald=.% *c?]hay By Authority, for three nights only. 7 p.m. Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. Gallery 2s. Books of the Burletta to be had at the Theatre, Price 1s. [See account of interdicted performance, 12 Jan.]
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1759 03 29 hay La Serva Padrona. Regulated by $Storace= and $Oswald=.*c1759 03 29 hay By Authority, for three nights only. 7 p.m. Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. Gallery 2s. Books of the Burletta to be had at the Theatre, Price 1s. [See account of interdicted performance, 12 Jan.]
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 29475 | 17590329 | hay | By Authority, for three nights only. 7 p.m. Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. Gallery 2s. Books of the Burletta to be had at the Theatre, Price 1s. [See account of interdicted performance, 12 Jan.
    Performance: 59741 | 29475 | p | La Serva Padrona | Regulated by $Storace= and $Oswald=.


Regulated by Storace and Oswald.
None Listed

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