13 September 1758

Event Information
Theatre: Mary-le-Bone Gardens
Theatrical Season: 1757-1758
Volume: 4
Comments: Concert to begin at seven, the entertainment at eight, and end at nine. By particular Desire of a great many of the Nobility and Gentry. The Musical Entertainment will be performed in the Ballroom being elegantly fitted up for the purpose. Price 2s. 6d

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p??marly La Serva Padrona. As 8 June. *c??marly Concert to begin at seven, the entertainment at eight, and end at nine. By particular Desire of a great many of the Nobility and Gentry. The Musical Entertainment will be performed in the Ballroom being elegantly fitted up for the purpose. Price 2s. 6d.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1758 09 13 marly La Serva Padrona. ^As17580608^.*c1758 09 13 marly Concert to begin at seven, the entertainment at eight, and end at nine. By particular Desire of a great many of the Nobility and Gentry. The Musical Entertainment will be performed in the Ballroom being elegantly fitted up for the purpose. Price 2s. 6d.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 29138 | 17580913 | marly | Concert to begin at seven, the entertainment at eight, and end at nine. By particular Desire of a great many of the Nobility and Gentry. The Musical Entertainment will be performed in the Ballroom being elegantly fitted up for the purpose. Price 2s. 6d
    Performance: 58982 | 29138 | p | La Serva Padrona | As17580608.
    AsSeeDate: 58982 | marly | p | As | 17580608
    404715 | 58982 | Uberto | Reinhold
    404716 | 58982 | Serpilla | Dominica Saratina
    404717 | 58982 | Vespone | a Mute



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