20 November 1662

Event Information
Theatre: Whitehall or St. James's
Theatrical Season: 1662-1663
Volume: 1
Comments: See Boswell (Restoration Court Stage, p. 280), who identifies the company as the King's Company. Evelyn, Diary: Saw the Young Admiral acted coram Rege &c

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?atcourt The Young Admiral. *c?atcourt See $Boswell= (<i>Restoration Court Stage</i>, p. 280), who identifies the company as the <i>King's Company</i>. <i>Evelyn, Diary</i>: Saw <i>the Young Admiral</i> acted coram Rege &c.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1662 11 20 atcourt The Young Admiral.*c1662 11 20 atcourt See $Boswell= (<i>Restoration Court Stage</i>, p. 280), who identifies the company as the <i>King's Company</i>. <i>Evelyn, Diary</i>: Saw <i>the Young Admiral</i> acted coram Rege &c.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 291 | 16621120 | atcourt | See $Boswell= (<i>Restoration Court Stage</i>, p. 280), who identifies the company as the <i>King's Company</i>. <i>Evelyn, Diary</i>: Saw <i>the Young Admiral</i> acted coram Rege &c
    Performance: 291 | 291 | p | The Young Admiral


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