27 June 1758

Event Information
Theatre: Mary-le-Bone Gardens
Theatrical Season: 1757-1758
Volume: 4
Comments: PPublic Advertiser: The Uncommon Applause of the new Entertainment...has excited the curiosity of a great many of the Nobility and Gentry that had never seen Marybone before. Sga Seratina and Mr Reinhold have distinguished themselves surprisingly; and though this Entertainment is performed in the English Language, clearly proves, that it is in the Power of an Englishman, to excel even the Italians in that kind of performance; Sga Seratina (though an Italian) expresses the English Dialect with all the Graces, and proper Expressions, which that kind of performance requires. [Books of the performance to be had at the Bar 6d. each.

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?;marly La Serva Padrona. As 8 June. *c?;marly <i>PPublic Advertiser</i>: The Uncommon Applause of the new Entertainment...has excited the curiosity of a great many of the Nobility and Gentry that had never seen <i>Marybone</i> before. $Sga Seratina= and $Mr Reinhold= have distinguished themselves surprisingly; and though this Entertainment is performed in the <i>English Language</i>, clearly proves, that it is in the Power of an <i>Englishman</i>, to excel even the Italians in that kind of performance; Sga Seratina (though an <i>Italian</i>) expresses the English Dialect with all the Graces, and proper Expressions, which that kind of performance requires. [Books of the performance to be had at the <i>Bar</i> 6d. each.]
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1758 06 27 marly La Serva Padrona. ^As17580608^.*c1758 06 27 marly <i>PPublic Advertiser</i>: The Uncommon Applause of the new Entertainment...has excited the curiosity of a great many of the Nobility and Gentry that had never seen <i>Marybone</i> before. $Sga Seratina= and $Mr Reinhold= have distinguished themselves surprisingly; and though this Entertainment is performed in the <i>English Language</i>, clearly proves, that it is in the Power of an <i>Englishman</i>, to excel even the Italians in that kind of performance; Sga Seratina (though an <i>Italian</i>) expresses the English Dialect with all the Graces, and proper Expressions, which that kind of performance requires. [Books of the performance to be had at the <i>Bar</i> 6d. each.]
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 29090 | 17580627 | marly | <i>PPublic Advertiser</i>: The Uncommon Applause of the new Entertainment...has excited the curiosity of a great many of the Nobility and Gentry that had never seen <i>Marybone</i> before. $Sga Seratina= and $Mr Reinhold= have distinguished themselves surprisingly; and though this Entertainment is performed in the <i>English Language</i>, clearly proves, that it is in the Power of an <i>Englishman</i>, to excel even the Italians in that kind of performance; Sga Seratina (though an <i>Italian</i>) expresses the English Dialect with all the Graces, and proper Expressions, which that kind of performance requires. [Books of the performance to be had at the <i>Bar</i> 6d. each.
    Performance: 58930 | 29090 | p | La Serva Padrona | As17580608.
    AsSeeDate: 58930 | marly | p | As | 17580608
    404610 | 58930 | Uberto | Reinhold
    404611 | 58930 | Serpilla | Dominica Saratina
    404612 | 58930 | Vespone | a Mute



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