03 May 1758

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1757-1758
Volume: 4
Comments: Benefit for Legg, Bennet, and White, Mr Barry's sudden indisposition rendering him incapable of performing, Mr Ross will do his part [i.e., Essex]

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?cg The Earl of Essex. As 16 Jan., but Lieutenant-White. *a?cg Lethe. As 27 April, but Drunken Man-Bennet; Bowman-White. *s?cg III, V: Legg. *d?cg IV: <i>Comic Ballet</i>, as 2 May. *c?cg Benefit for $Legg=, $Bennet=, and $White=, $Mr Barry='s sudden indisposition rendering him incapable of performing, $Mr Ross= will do his part [i.e., <i>Essex</i>].
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1758 05 03 cg The Earl of Essex. ^As17580116^, but Lieutenant-White.*a1758 05 03 cg Lethe. ^As17580427^ but Drunken Man-Bennet; Bowman-White.*s1758 05 03 cg III, V: Legg.*d1758 05 03 cg IV: <i>Comic Ballet</i>, ^as17580502^.*c1758 05 03 cg Benefit for $Legg=, $Bennet=, and $White=, $Mr Barry='s sudden indisposition rendering him incapable of performing, $Mr Ross= will do his part [i.e., <i>Essex</i>].
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 29037 | 17580503 | cg | Benefit for $Legg=, $Bennet=, and $White=, $Mr Barry='s sudden indisposition rendering him incapable of performing, $Mr Ross= will do his part [i.e., <i>Essex</i>]
    Performance: 58816 | 29037 | p | The Earl Of Essex | As17580116, but Lieutenant-White.
    AsSeeDate: 58816 | cg | p | As | 17580116
    97674 | 58816 | Lieutenant | White.
    404163 | 58816 | Rutland | Mrs Bellamy.
    Performance: 58817 | 29037 | a | Lethe | As17580427 but Drunken Man-Bennet; Bowman-White.
    AsSeeDate: 58817 | cg | a | As | 17580427
    97675 | 58817 | Drunken Man | Bennet
    97676 | 58817 | Bowman | White.
    404164 | 58817 | Frenchman | the Gentleman who performs <i>Johnson</i>.
    404165 | 58817 | with Character of <i>Lord Chalkstone</i> | Shuter
    404166 | 58817 | Fine Gentleman | Dyer
    404167 | 58817 | Fine Lady | Mrs Green.
    Performance: 58818 | 29037 | s | III, V: Legg
    Performance: 58819 | 29037 | d | IV: <i>Comic Ballet</i>, as17580502
    AsSeeDate: 58819 | cg | d | As | 17580502


As17580116, but Lieutenant-White.


Title: Lethe
As17580427 but Drunken Man-Bennet; Bowman-White.


Comment: III, V: Legg


Comment: IV: Comic Ballet, as17580502

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