17 September 1757

Event Information
Theatre: Southwark Fair
Theatrical Season: 1757-1758
Volume: 4
Comments: At Warner's Booth, Bowling Green. By a Company of Comedians from the Theatres. To begin each day at twelve o'clock and end at ten p.m. during the time of Southwark Fair. The Booth is made very Theatrical and Commodious for the reception of Gentlemen and Ladies, and a good band of music provided consisting of violins, Bassoons, Hautboys, &c. Mainpiece: a diverting droll. [This note repeated on subsequent bills.

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?sf The Intriguing Lover; or, A Tit-Bit for a Nice Palate. *a?sf Harlequin's Vagaries. *d?sf . *c?sf At <i>Warner's Booth</i>, <i>Bowling Green</i>. By a Company of Comedians from the Theatres. To begin each day at twelve o'clock and end at ten p.m. during the time of <i>Southwark Fair</i>. The Booth is made very Theatrical and Commodious for the reception of Gentlemen and Ladies, and a good band of music provided consisting of violins, Bassoons, Hautboys, &c. Mainpiece: a diverting droll. [This note repeated on subsequent bills.]
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1757 09 17 sf The Intriguing Lover; or, A Tit-Bit for a Nice Palate.*a1757 09 17 sf Harlequin's Vagaries.*d1757 09 17 sf .*c1757 09 17 sf At <i>Warner's Booth</i>, <i>Bowling Green</i>. By a Company of Comedians from the Theatres. To begin each day at twelve o'clock and end at ten p.m. during the time of <i>Southwark Fair</i>. The Booth is made very Theatrical and Commodious for the reception of Gentlemen and Ladies, and a good band of music provided consisting of violins, Bassoons, Hautboys, &c. Mainpiece: a diverting droll. [This note repeated on subsequent bills.]
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 28617 | 17570917 | sf | At <i>Warner's Booth</i>, <i>Bowling Green</i>. By a Company of Comedians from the Theatres. To begin each day at twelve o'clock and end at ten p.m. during the time of <i>Southwark Fair</i>. The Booth is made very Theatrical and Commodious for the reception of Gentlemen and Ladies, and a good band of music provided consisting of violins, Bassoons, Hautboys, &c. Mainpiece: a diverting droll. [This note repeated on subsequent bills.
    Performance: 57862 | 28617 | p | The Intriguing Lover; Or, A Tit-bit For A Nice Palate
    Performance: 57863 | 28617 | a | Harlequin's Vagaries
    Performance: 57864 | 28617 | d



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