31 December 1750

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1750-1751
Volume: 4

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p??cg The Provok'd Husband. As 20 Nov. *a??cg Apollo and Daphne. As 26 Dec.[, but none listed% .
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1750 12 31 cg The Provok'd Husband. ^As17501120^.*a1750 12 31 cg Apollo and Daphne. ^As17501226^, but none listed .
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 25499 | 17501231 | cg
    Performance: 50989 | 25499 | p | The Provok'd Husband | As17501120.
    AsSeeDate: 50989 | cg | p | As | 17501120
    369467 | 50989 | John Moody | Dunstall.
    369468 | 50989 | Townly | Barry
    369469 | 50989 | Manly | Sparks
    369470 | 50989 | Lady Grace | Mrs Elmy
    369471 | 50989 | Sir Francis | Macklin
    369472 | 50989 | Lady Wronghead | Mrs Macklin
    369473 | 50989 | Squire Richard | Collins
    369474 | 50989 | Miss Jenny | Mrs Vincent
    369475 | 50989 | Basset | Dyer
    369476 | 50989 | Myrtilla | Mrs Dunstall
    369477 | 50989 | Lady Townly | Mrs Woffington.
    Performance: 50990 | 25499 | a | Apollo and Daphne | As17501226, but none listed .
    AsSeeDate: 50990 | cg | a | As | 17501226
    369478 | 50990 | Apollo | Villeneuve
    369479 | 50990 | Daphne | Mlle Cointrie
    369480 | 50990 | Followers of Daphne | Mrs Delagarde, Mrs Gondou, Mrs Villeneuve, Miss Barchelor
    369481 | 50990 | Morpheus | Leveridge
    369482 | 50990 | Mystery | Baker
    369483 | 50990 | Slumber | Vincent
    369484 | 50990 | Harlequin | Philips
    369485 | 50990 | Burgomaster | Bencraft
    369486 | 50990 | Boor servant | Lalauze
    369487 | 50990 | Colombine | Miss Haughton
    369488 | 50990 | Scaramouche | Atkins
    369489 | 50990 | Venus | Miss Young
    369490 | 50990 | Silenus | Leveridge
    369491 | 50990 | Bacchus | Baker
    369492 | 50990 | Pan | Vincent
    369493 | 50990 | Diana | Miss Falkner
    369494 | 50990 | Frenchman | Villeneuve
    369495 | 50990 | Spaniard | Desse
    369496 | 50990 | Polodese | Gardiner
    369497 | 50990 | French Woman | Mrs Delagarde
    369498 | 50990 | Spanish Woman | Mrs Gondou
    369499 | 50990 | Polonese Woman | Mrs Villeneuve
    369500 | 50990 | Zephyrus | Jardin
    369501 | 50990 | Flora | Mlle Cointrie.




As17501226, but none listed .

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