30 June 1702

Event Information
Theatre: Powlet's Room
Theatrical Season: 1701-1702
Volume: 2
Comments: At 5 p.m. Tickets 1s. 6d. At Pawlet's Great Dancing-Room near Dowgate in Thames-street

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *pA>pr Concert. *mA>pr Vocal and Instrumental Music-; [consisting of% Violins-; Hautboys-; Flutes-; [and a% Trumpet-; [with% Singing-Mr Hughs, others. *cA>pr At 5 p.m. Tickets 1s. 6d. At <i>Pawlet's Great Dancing-Room</i> near <i>Dowgate</i> in <i>Thames-street</i>.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1702 06 30 pr Concert.*m1702 06 30 pr Vocal and Instrumental Music-; consisting of Violins-; Hautboys-; Flutes-; and a Trumpet-; with Singing-Mr Hughs, others.*c1702 06 30 pr At 5 p.m. Tickets 1s. 6d. At <i>Pawlet's Great Dancing-Room</i> near <i>Dowgate</i> in <i>Thames-street</i>.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 2486 | 17020630 | pr | At 5 p.m. Tickets 1s. 6d. At <i>Pawlet's Great Dancing-Room</i> near <i>Dowgate</i> in <i>Thames-street</i>
    Performance: 2548 | 2486 | p | Concert
    Performance: 2549 | 2486 | m | Vocal and Instrumental Music-; consisting of Violins-; Hautboys-; Flutes-; and a Trumpet-; with Singing-Mr Hughs, others


Title: Concert
None Listed


Comment: Vocal and Instrumental Music-; consisting of Violins-; Hautboys-; Flutes-; and a Trumpet-; with Singing-Mr Hughs, others

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