21 December 1745

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1745-1746
Volume: 3
Comments: Yesterday Mr Rich paid into the Chamberlain's Office at Guildhall, the sum of #602 7s. to the Veteran's scheme, being the three night's receipts arising from the Beggar's Opera, performed at cg: And he thinks it incumbent on him in justice to the several persons interested in the Said theatre, to declare, that when the above scheme was by him proposed, they all most generously subscrib'd their demands for these three nights in order to enlarge the sums to be rais'd for the above purpose.-General Advertiser. [The Gentlemen's Magazine, Dec. 1745, states the idea of this gift was proposed by Mrs Cibber, and that the tallow chandlers also gave the candles.

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?ucg Macbeth. As 15 Nov., but Witches-<i>Hippisley, _Dunstall. *a?ucg Orpheus and Eurydice. As 26 Nov. *c?ucg Yesterday $Mr Rich</i> paid into the <i>Chamberlain's Office</i> at <i>Guildhall</i>, the sum of #602 7s. to the <i>Veteran's scheme</i>, being the three night's receipts arising from the <i>Beggar's Opera</i>, performed at <i>cg</i>: And he thinks it incumbent on him in justice to the several persons interested in the Said theatre, to declare, that when the above scheme was by him proposed, they all most generously subscrib'd their demands for these three nights in order to enlarge the sums to be rais'd for the above purpose.-<i>General Advertiser</i>. [The <i>Gentlemen's Magazine</i>, Dec. 1745, states the idea of this gift was proposed by $Mrs Cibber=, and that the tallow chandlers also gave the candles.]
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1745 12 21 cg Macbeth. ^As17451115^, but Witches-<i>Hippisley, _Dunstall.*a1745 12 21 cg Orpheus and Eurydice. ^As17451126^.*c1745 12 21 cg Yesterday $Mr Rich= paid into the <i>Chamberlain's Office</i> at <i>Guildhall</i>, the sum of #602 7s. to the <i>Veteran's scheme</i>, being the three night's receipts arising from the <i>Beggar's Opera</i>, performed at <i>cg</i>: And he thinks it incumbent on him in justice to the several persons interested in the Said theatre, to declare, that when the above scheme was by him proposed, they all most generously subscrib'd their demands for these three nights in order to enlarge the sums to be rais'd for the above purpose.-<i>General Advertiser</i>. [The <i>Gentlemen's Magazine</i>, Dec. 1745, states the idea of this gift was proposed by $Mrs Cibber=, and that the tallow chandlers also gave the candles.]
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 23003 | 17451221 | cg | Yesterday $Mr Rich= paid into the <i>Chamberlain's Office</i> at <i>Guildhall</i>, the sum of #602 7s. to the <i>Veteran's scheme</i>, being the three night's receipts arising from the <i>Beggar's Opera</i>, performed at <i>cg</i>: And he thinks it incumbent on him in justice to the several persons interested in the Said theatre, to declare, that when the above scheme was by him proposed, they all most generously subscrib'd their demands for these three nights in order to enlarge the sums to be rais'd for the above purpose.-<i>General Advertiser</i>. [The <i>Gentlemen's Magazine</i>, Dec. 1745, states the idea of this gift was proposed by $Mrs Cibber=, and that the tallow chandlers also gave the candles.
    Performance: 45447 | 23003 | p | Macbeth | As17451115, but Witches-<i>Hippisley, _Dunstall.
    AsSeeDate: 45447 | cg | p | As | 17451115
    73518 | 45447 | Witches | <i>Hippisley, _Dunstall.
    344192 | 45447 | Macbeth | Cashell
    344193 | 45447 | Madcduff | Ryan
    344194 | 45447 | Banquo | Bridgwater
    344195 | 45447 | Malcolm | Hale
    344196 | 45447 | Lady Macbeth | Mrs Pritchard
    344197 | 45447 | Lady Macduff | Mrs Hale
    344198 | 45447 | King | Gibson
    344199 | 45447 | Lenox | Ridout
    344200 | 45447 | Seyward | Rosco
    344201 | 45447 | Donalbaine | Anderson
    344202 | 45447 | Seyton | Carr
    344203 | 45447 | Fleance | Miss Morrison
    344204 | 45447 | Hecate | Arthur
    344205 | 45447 | Murderers | Bencraft, Marten
    344206 | 45447 | With the Original Music
    344207 | 45447 | The <i>Vocal Parts</i> | Leveridge, Beard, Reinhold, Thompson, Roberts, Mrs Lampe
    344208 | 45447 | all the Dances | , decorations proper to the play.
    Performance: 45448 | 23003 | a | Orpheus and Eurydice | As17451126.
    AsSeeDate: 45448 | cg | a | As | 17451126
    344209 | 45448 | Country Lasses | Mrs <i>Vaughn, Mrs +Villeneuve, Miss _Vandersluys, Mrs _Phillips.
    344210 | 45448 | Orpheus | Beard
    344211 | 45448 | Rhodope | Mrs Lampe
    344212 | 45448 | Eurydice | A Young Gentlewoman who never appeared on any stage before
    344213 | 45448 | follower of Eurydice | Sga Campioni
    344214 | 45448 | Harlequin | Woodward
    344215 | 45448 | Colombine | Mrs Havard
    344216 | 45448 | Pantaloon | Arthur
    344217 | 45448 | Squire Gawky | Bencraft
    344218 | 45448 | Mrs Mannerly | Mrs Martin
    344219 | 45448 | Goody Gurton | Marten
    344220 | 45448 | Drudge | Hippisley
    344221 | 45448 | Woman Dwarf | a French Boy
    344222 | 45448 | Country Lads | Villeneuve, Destrade, Delagarde, Dupre
    344223 | 45448 | Rural Swain | Cooke
    344224 | 45448 | Nymph | Sga Campioni.


Title: Macbeth
As17451115, but Witches-Hippisley, _Dunstall.



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