May 1699

Event Information
Theatre: May Fair
Theatrical Season: 1698-1699
Volume: 1
Comments: London Spy, May 1699: Here and there a Poppet-show, where a senceless Dialogue between Punchanello and the Devil was convey'd to the Ears of the listening Rabble thro' a tin Squeaker, being thought by some of them as great a piece of Conjuration as ever was perform'd by Doctor Faustus

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p<?mf Entertainments. *c<?mf <i>London Spy</i>, May 1699: Here and there a Poppet-show, where a senceless Dialogue between <i>Punchanello</i>r and <i>the Devil</i>r was convey'd to the Ears of the listening Rabble thro' a tin Squeaker, being thought by some of them as great a piece of Conjuration as ever was perform'd by <i>Doctor Faustus</i>r.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1699 05 00 mf Entertainments.*c1699 05 00 mf <i>London Spy</i>, May 1699: Here and there a Poppet-show, where a senceless Dialogue between <i>Punchanello</i>r and <i>the Devil</i>r was convey'd to the Ears of the listening Rabble thro' a tin Squeaker, being thought by some of them as great a piece of Conjuration as ever was perform'd by <i>Doctor Faustus</i>r.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 2248 | 16990500 | mf | <i>London Spy</i>, May 1699: Here and there a Poppet-show, where a senceless Dialogue between <i>Punchanello</i> and <i>the Devil</i> was convey'd to the Ears of the listening Rabble thro' a tin Squeaker, being thought by some of them as great a piece of Conjuration as ever was perform'd by <i>Doctor Faustus</i>
    Performance: 2264 | 2248 | p | Entertainments


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