08 April 1699

Event Information
Theatre: Lincoln's Inn Fields
Theatrical Season: 1698-1699
Volume: 1
Comments: Luttrell, A Brief Relation, IV, 502-3: Monsieur Ballon, the famous French dancing master, (whose father teaches the dauphins 3 sons,) having leave to come hither for 5 weeks, is allowed by the playhouse 400 guineas for that time, besides which the lord Cholmley has sent him a present of 100 more. [Betterton's Company.

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p<hlif Comment. *c<hlif $Luttrell=, <i>A Brief Relation</i>, IV, 502-3: $Monsieur Ballon=, the famous <i>French dancing master</i>, (whose father teaches the dauphins 3 sons,) having leave to come hither for 5 weeks, is allowed by the playhouse 400 guineas for that time, besides which the $lord Cholmley= has sent him a present of 100 more. [<i>Betterton's Company</i>.]
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1699 04 08 lif Comment.*c1699 04 08 lif $Luttrell=, <i>A Brief Relation</i>, IV, 502-3: $Monsieur Ballon=, the famous <i>French dancing master</i>, (whose father teaches the dauphins 3 sons,) having leave to come hither for 5 weeks, is allowed by the playhouse 400 guineas for that time, besides which the $lord Cholmley= has sent him a present of 100 more. [<i>Betterton's Company</i>.]
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 2241 | 16990408 | lif | $Luttrell=, <i>A Brief Relation</i>, IV, 502-3: $Monsieur Ballon=, the famous <i>French dancing master</i>, (whose father teaches the dauphins 3 sons,) having leave to come hither for 5 weeks, is allowed by the playhouse 400 guineas for that time, besides which the $lord Cholmley= has sent him a present of 100 more. [<i>Betterton's Company</i>.

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