17 November 1744

Event Information
Theatre: Drury Lane Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1744-1745
Volume: 3
Comments: A serious riot took place this evening occasioned by Fleetwood's continuing raised prices to old entertainments. Manager called for by audience. Not being an actor, he pleaded privilege of being exempted from appearing on stage and sent word by a performer he would confer in his room with any deputation. One was sent from pit, and house waited patiently its return.--Genest, IV, 137. To The Gentlemen of the Town: Gentlemen: From what pass'd last night at Drury Lane Playhouse, I think I may congratulate you on the long-wish'd for Conquest over the Hireling Encouragers of the Pantomime Entertainments. Give me leave, therefore, Gentlemen to hope, that you will not be wanting in your endeavours to quashing future attempts to introduce what is manifestly an encroachment on the Honour and Dignity of the stage, and a glaring Imposition on the town. I am yours, Philo Dramaticus.--Daily Advertiser

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p??dl The Conscious Lovers. As 25 Oct., but Bevil Jun.-Giffard; Tom-Cross. *a??dl The Fortune Tellers. As 30 Oct. *c??dl A serious riot took place this evening occasioned by $Fleetwood='s continuing raised prices to old entertainments. Manager called for by audience. Not being an actor, he pleaded privilege of being exempted from appearing on stage and sent word by a performer he would confer in his room with any deputation. One was sent from pit, and house waited patiently its return.--$Genest=, IV, 137. To The Gentlemen of the Town: Gentlemen: From what pass'd last night at <i>Drury Lane Playhouse</i>, I think I may congratulate you on the long-wish'd for Conquest over the Hireling Encouragers of the Pantomime Entertainments. Give me leave, therefore, Gentlemen to hope, that you will not be wanting in your endeavours to quashing future attempts to introduce what is manifestly an encroachment on the Honour and Dignity of the stage, and a glaring Imposition on the town. I am yours, <i>Philo Dramaticus</i>.--<i>Daily Advertiser</i>.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1744 11 17 dl The Conscious Lovers. ^As17441025^, but Bevil Jun.-Giffard; Tom-Cross.*a1744 11 17 dl The Fortune Tellers. ^As17441030^.*c1744 11 17 dl A serious riot took place this evening occasioned by $Fleetwood='s continuing raised prices to old entertainments. Manager called for by audience. Not being an actor, he pleaded privilege of being exempted from appearing on stage and sent word by a performer he would confer in his room with any deputation. One was sent from pit, and house waited patiently its return.--$Genest=, IV, 137. To The Gentlemen of the Town: Gentlemen: From what pass'd last night at <i>Drury Lane Playhouse</i>, I think I may congratulate you on the long-wish'd for Conquest over the Hireling Encouragers of the Pantomime Entertainments. Give me leave, therefore, Gentlemen to hope, that you will not be wanting in your endeavours to quashing future attempts to introduce what is manifestly an encroachment on the Honour and Dignity of the stage, and a glaring Imposition on the town. I am yours, <i>Philo Dramaticus</i>.--<i>Daily Advertiser</i>.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 22397 | 17441117 | dl | A serious riot took place this evening occasioned by $Fleetwood='s continuing raised prices to old entertainments. Manager called for by audience. Not being an actor, he pleaded privilege of being exempted from appearing on stage and sent word by a performer he would confer in his room with any deputation. One was sent from pit, and house waited patiently its return.--$Genest=, IV, 137. To The Gentlemen of the Town: Gentlemen: From what pass'd last night at <i>Drury Lane Playhouse</i>, I think I may congratulate you on the long-wish'd for Conquest over the Hireling Encouragers of the Pantomime Entertainments. Give me leave, therefore, Gentlemen to hope, that you will not be wanting in your endeavours to quashing future attempts to introduce what is manifestly an encroachment on the Honour and Dignity of the stage, and a glaring Imposition on the town. I am yours, <i>Philo Dramaticus</i>.--<i>Daily Advertiser</i>
    Performance: 44003 | 22397 | p | The Conscious Lovers | As17441025, but Bevil Jun.-Giffard; Tom-Cross.
    AsSeeDate: 44003 | dl | p | As | 17441025
    70841 | 44003 | Bevil Jun. | Giffard
    70842 | 44003 | Tom | Cross.
    338704 | 44003 | Indiana | Mrs Cibber
    338705 | 44003 | Humphry | Turbutt.
    338706 | 44003 | Bevil | Delane
    338707 | 44003 | Myrtle | Havard
    338708 | 44003 | Cimberton | Taswell
    338709 | 44003 | Daniel | Green
    338710 | 44003 | Phillis | Mrs Woffington
    338711 | 44003 | Sir John Bevil | Winstone
    338712 | 44003 | Sealand | Bridges
    338713 | 44003 | Lucinda | Mrs Ridout
    338714 | 44003 | Mrs Sealand | Mrs Cross
    338715 | 44003 | Isabella | Mrs Bennet
    338716 | 44003 | singing | Lowe.
    Performance: 44004 | 22397 | a | The Fortune Tellers | As17441030.
    AsSeeDate: 44004 | dl | a | As | 17441030
    338717 | 44004 | Harlequin | Yates
    338718 | 44004 | Young Rustic | Liviez
    338719 | 44004 | Clown | Collins
    338720 | 44004 | Colombine | Mrs Mann
    338721 | 44004 | Concluding with a <i>Grand Dance</i> | Muilment.


As17441025, but Bevil Jun.-Giffard; Tom-Cross.



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