08 March 1699

Event Information
Theatre: York Buildings
Theatrical Season: 1698-1699
Volume: 1
Comments: Flying Post, 7 March 1698@9: A Consort of all new Vocal and Instrumental Music; for the Benefit of Mr William Hall, who formerly had the Consort of Musick at his House in Norfolk-street

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p<Hyb Concert. *c<Hyb <i>Flying Post</i>, 7 March 1698@9: A Consort of all new Vocal and Instrumental Music; for the Benefit of $Mr William Hall=, who formerly had the Consort of Musick at his House in <i>Norfolk-street</i>.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1699 03 08 yb Concert.*c1699 03 08 yb <i>Flying Post</i>, 7 March 1698@9: A Consort of all new Vocal and Instrumental Music; for the Benefit of $Mr William Hall=, who formerly had the Consort of Musick at his House in <i>Norfolk-street</i>.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 2234 | 16990308 | yb | <i>Flying Post</i>, 7 March 1698@9: A Consort of all new Vocal and Instrumental Music; for the Benefit of $Mr William Hall=, who formerly had the Consort of Musick at his House in <i>Norfolk-street</i>
    Performance: 2250 | 2234 | p | Concert


Title: Concert
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