04 January 1699

Event Information
Theatre: York Buildings
Theatrical Season: 1698-1699
Volume: 1
Comments: London Gazette, No 3457, 26-29 Dec. 1698: On Wednesday next, will be performed at York Buildings Mr Daniel Purcell's Musick made for last St Cecilia's Feast, for the Benefit of Mr Howel and Mr Shore, with an Addition of new Vocal and Instrumental Musick. [London Gazette, 29 Dec. 1698-2 Jan. 1698@9, adds: beginning at 7 at night.] See also 22 Nov. 1698

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p<yb Concert. *c<yb <i>London Gazette</i>, No 3457, 26-29 Dec. 1698: On Wednesday next, will be performed at <i>York Buildings</i> $Mr Daniel Purcell='s Musick made for last <i>St Cecilia's Feast</i>, for the Benefit of $Mr Howel= and $Mr Shore=, with an Addition of new Vocal and Instrumental Musick. [<i>London Gazette</i>, 29 Dec. 1698-2 Jan. 1698@9, adds: beginning at 7 at night.] See also 22 Nov. 1698.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1699 01 04 yb Concert.*c1699 01 04 yb <i>London Gazette</i>, No 3457, 26-29 Dec. 1698: On Wednesday next, will be performed at <i>York Buildings</i> $Mr Daniel Purcell='s Musick made for last <i>St Cecilia's Feast</i>, for the Benefit of $Mr Howel= and $Mr Shore=, with an Addition of new Vocal and Instrumental Musick. [<i>London Gazette</i>, 29 Dec. 1698-2 Jan. 1698@9, adds: beginning at 7 at night.] See also 22 Nov. 1698.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 2220 | 16990104 | yb | <i>London Gazette</i>, No 3457, 26-29 Dec. 1698: On Wednesday next, will be performed at <i>York Buildings</i> $Mr Daniel Purcell='s Musick made for last <i>St Cecilia's Feast</i>, for the Benefit of $Mr Howel= and $Mr Shore=, with an Addition of new Vocal and Instrumental Musick. [<i>London Gazette</i>, 29 Dec. 1698-2 Jan. 1698@9, adds: beginning at 7 at night.] See also 22 Nov. 1698
    Performance: 2236 | 2220 | p | Concert


Title: Concert
None Listed

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