23 February 1744

Event Information
Theatre: Inner Temple
Theatrical Season: 1743-1744
Volume: 3
Comments: At the Temple Punch House, by Inner Temple Gate Tony Aston exhibits a dialogue between Abigail and Vellum, Dorinda and Scrub, Hob and Mary...Prologue, Epilogue, and Pasquin.--Theatrical Clippings, Folger Library

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?it Comment. *c?it At the <i>Temple Punch House</i>, by <i>Inner Temple Gate</i> $Tony Aston= exhibits a dialogue between <i>Abigail</i>r and <i>Vellum</i>r, <i>Dorinda</i>r and <i>Scrub</i>r, <i>Hob</i>r and <i>Mary</i>r...<i>Prologue</i>, <i>Epilogue</i>, and <i>Pasquin</i>r.--Theatrical Clippings, <i>Folger Library</i>.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1744 02 23 it Comment.*c1744 02 23 it At the <i>Temple Punch House</i>, by <i>Inner Temple Gate</i> $Tony Aston= exhibits a dialogue between <i>Abigail</i>r and <i>Vellum</i>r, <i>Dorinda</i>r and <i>Scrub</i>r, <i>Hob</i>r and <i>Mary</i>r...<i>Prologue</i>, <i>Epilogue</i>, and <i>Pasquin</i>r.--Theatrical Clippings, <i>Folger Library</i>.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 22101 | 17440223 | it | At the <i>Temple Punch House</i>, by <i>Inner Temple Gate</i> $Tony Aston= exhibits a dialogue between <i>Abigail</i> and <i>Vellum</i>, <i>Dorinda</i> and <i>Scrub</i>, <i>Hob</i> and <i>Mary</i>...<i>Prologue</i>, <i>Epilogue</i>, and <i>Pasquin</i>.--Theatrical Clippings, <i>Folger Library</i>

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