23 August 1698

Event Information
Theatre: Bartholomew Fair
Theatrical Season: 1697-1698
Volume: 1
Comments: Post Boy, 20-23 Aug. 1698: Jephtha's Rash Vow: Will be play'd again this Bartholomew Fair at Blakes and Penkethman's Booth, over against Hosier Lane. [See also William King, 25 Aug. 1698.

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p;wbf Jephtha's Rash Vow. *c;wbf <i>Post Boy</i>, 20-23 Aug. 1698: <i>Jephtha's Rash Vow</i>: Will be play'd again this <i>Bartholomew Fair</i> at <i>Blakes and Penkethman's Booth</i>, over against <i>Hosier Lane</i>. [See also $William King=, 25 Aug. 1698.]
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1698 08 23 bf Jephtha's Rash Vow.*c1698 08 23 bf <i>Post Boy</i>, 20-23 Aug. 1698: <i>Jephtha's Rash Vow</i>: Will be play'd again this <i>Bartholomew Fair</i> at <i>Blakes and Penkethman's Booth</i>, over against <i>Hosier Lane</i>. [See also $William King=, 25 Aug. 1698.]
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 2205 | 16980823 | bf | <i>Post Boy</i>, 20-23 Aug. 1698: <i>Jephtha's Rash Vow</i>: Will be play'd again this <i>Bartholomew Fair</i> at <i>Blakes and Penkethman's Booth</i>, over against <i>Hosier Lane</i>. [See also $William King=, 25 Aug. 1698.
    Performance: 2221 | 2205 | p | Jephtha's Rash Vow


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