25 January 1744

Event Information
Theatre: May Fair
Theatrical Season: 1743-1744
Volume: 3
Comments: At the New Theatre, May Fair, in order to make the House warm, there is a new Machine fix'd in the same manner as they have in Russia, & other theatres in cold countries, to prevent the Gentry from catching cold

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?mf Comment. *c?mf At the New Theatre, <i>May Fair</i>, in order to make the House warm, there is a new Machine fix'd in the same manner as they have in <i>Russia</i>, & other theatres in cold countries, to prevent the Gentry from catching cold.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1744 01 25 mf Comment.*c1744 01 25 mf At the New Theatre, <i>May Fair</i>, in order to make the House warm, there is a new Machine fix'd in the same manner as they have in <i>Russia</i>, & other theatres in cold countries, to prevent the Gentry from catching cold.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 22045 | 17440125 | mf | At the New Theatre, <i>May Fair</i>, in order to make the House warm, there is a new Machine fix'd in the same manner as they have in <i>Russia</i>, & other theatres in cold countries, to prevent the Gentry from catching cold

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