09 December 1743

Event Information
Theatre: Drury Lane Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1743-1744
Volume: 3
Comments: Whereas Great Disorders were committed on Tuesday Night at the Theatre, by Numbers of persons violently forcing their way into the House, particularly into the Boxes, knocking down the door-keepers, and obliging the servants who kept places to go out, to the great prejudice of the Manager, who lost all the Money for the said Places, as they not only refus'd to pay for the Boxes, but likewise forc'd into the Pit without paying, he thinks it incumbent on him to gide Public notice That an Office will for the Future be kept at the Boxes, to prevent persons from going in the same tumultuous manner, and hopes no Gentlemen will be displeas'd in being first desir'd to take a ticket at the said Office. Last night the Play of the Rehearsal was perform'd at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane; when, upon Mr Garrick's making a proper apology to the Town he was receiv'd with the greatest marks of Approbation; and the Play was acted with the utmost Decency and Order

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *pidl The Rehearsal. As 6 Dec., but others-<i>Arthur, +Neale, +Morgan, +Winstone, +Green, +Woodburn, +Ray, +Wright, _Gray. *cidl Whereas Great Disorders were committed on Tuesday Night at the Theatre, by Numbers of persons violently forcing their way into the House, particularly into the Boxes, knocking down the door-keepers, and obliging the servants who kept places to go out, to the great prejudice of the Manager, who lost all the Money for the said Places, as they not only refus'd to pay for the Boxes, but likewise forc'd into the Pit without paying, he thinks it incumbent on him to gide Public notice That an Office will for the Future be kept at the Boxes, to prevent persons from going in the same tumultuous manner, and hopes no Gentlemen will be displeas'd in being first desir'd to take a ticket at the said Office. Last night the Play of the +Rehearsal</i> was perform'd at the Theatre Royal in <i>Drury Lane</i>; when, upon $Mr Garrick='s making a proper apology to the Town he was receiv'd with the greatest marks of Approbation; and the Play was acted with the utmost Decency and Order.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1743 12 09 dl The Rehearsal. ^As17431206^, but others-<i>Arthur, +Neale, +Morgan, +Winstone, +Green, +Woodburn, +Ray, +Wright, _Gray.*c1743 12 09 dl Whereas Great Disorders were committed on Tuesday Night at the Theatre, by Numbers of persons violently forcing their way into the House, particularly into the Boxes, knocking down the door-keepers, and obliging the servants who kept places to go out, to the great prejudice of the Manager, who lost all the Money for the said Places, as they not only refus'd to pay for the Boxes, but likewise forc'd into the Pit without paying, he thinks it incumbent on him to gide Public notice That an Office will for the Future be kept at the Boxes, to prevent persons from going in the same tumultuous manner, and hopes no Gentlemen will be displeas'd in being first desir'd to take a ticket at the said Office. Last night the Play of the <i>Rehearsal</i> was perform'd at the Theatre Royal in <i>Drury Lane</i>; when, upon $Mr Garrick='s making a proper apology to the Town he was receiv'd with the greatest marks of Approbation; and the Play was acted with the utmost Decency and Order.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 21950 | 17431209 | dl | Whereas Great Disorders were committed on Tuesday Night at the Theatre, by Numbers of persons violently forcing their way into the House, particularly into the Boxes, knocking down the door-keepers, and obliging the servants who kept places to go out, to the great prejudice of the Manager, who lost all the Money for the said Places, as they not only refus'd to pay for the Boxes, but likewise forc'd into the Pit without paying, he thinks it incumbent on him to gide Public notice That an Office will for the Future be kept at the Boxes, to prevent persons from going in the same tumultuous manner, and hopes no Gentlemen will be displeas'd in being first desir'd to take a ticket at the said Office. Last night the Play of the <i>Rehearsal</i> was perform'd at the Theatre Royal in <i>Drury Lane</i>; when, upon $Mr Garrick='s making a proper apology to the Town he was receiv'd with the greatest marks of Approbation; and the Play was acted with the utmost Decency and Order
    Performance: 43092 | 21950 | p | The Rehearsal | As17431206, but others-<i>Arthur, +Neale, +Morgan, +Winstone, +Green, +Woodburn, +Ray, +Wright, _Gray.
    AsSeeDate: 43092 | dl | p | As | 17431206
    68703 | 43092 | others | <i>Arthur, +Neale, +Morgan, +Winstone, +Green, +Woodburn, +Ray, +Wright, _Gray.
    333979 | 43092 | Bayes | Garrick
    333980 | 43092 | Smith | W. Giffard
    333981 | 43092 | Johnson | Mills
    333982 | 43092 | With Additional Reinforcements of Bayes's New Rais | .


As17431206, but others-Arthur, +Neale, +Morgan, +Winstone, +Green, +Woodburn, +Ray, +Wright, _Gray.

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