30 May 1698

Event Information
Theatre: Pepys's residence
Theatrical Season: 1697-1698
Volume: 1
Comments: Evelyn, Diary: I dined at Mr Pepys 's, where I heard that rare Voice, Mr Pate, who was lately come from Italy, reputed the most excellent singer, ever England had: he sang indeede many rare Italian Recitatives, &c.: & severall compositions of the late Mr Pursal, esteemed the best composer of any Englishman hitherto

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p;pepys's Concert. *c;pepys's <i>Evelyn, Diary</i>: I dined at $Mr Pepys= 's, where I heard that rare Voice, $Mr Pate=, who was lately come from <i>Italy</i>, reputed the most excellent singer, ever <i>England</i> had: he sang indeede many rare Italian Recitatives, &c.: & severall compositions of the late $Mr Pursal=, esteemed the best composer of any Englishman hitherto.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1698 05 30 pepys's Concert.*c1698 05 30 pepys's <i>Evelyn, Diary</i>: I dined at $Mr Pepys= 's, where I heard that rare Voice, $Mr Pate=, who was lately come from <i>Italy</i>, reputed the most excellent singer, ever <i>England</i> had: he sang indeede many rare Italian Recitatives, &c.: & severall compositions of the late $Mr Pursal=, esteemed the best composer of any Englishman hitherto.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 2190 | 16980530 | pepys's | <i>Evelyn, Diary</i>: I dined at $Mr Pepys= 's, where I heard that rare Voice, $Mr Pate=, who was lately come from <i>Italy</i>, reputed the most excellent singer, ever <i>England</i> had: he sang indeede many rare Italian Recitatives, &c.: & severall compositions of the late $Mr Pursal=, esteemed the best composer of any Englishman hitherto
    Performance: 2206 | 2190 | p | Concert


Title: Concert
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