31 March 1743

Event Information
Theatre: James Street
Theatrical Season: 1742-1743
Volume: 3
Comments: Benefit a Gentlewoman in Distress [Concert formula]. Tickets and Places to be had of Mrs Careless in Hart St., near the Back-Passage of Covent Garden. The Gentlemen and Ladies who intend to honour her with their Company, are desir'd to come as early as possible, she being determin'd to begin punctually at six

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p~_js The Stratagem. Cherry-Mrs Careless. *d~_js . *c~_js Benefit a Gentlewoman in Distress [Concert formula]. Tickets and Places to be had of $Mrs Careless= in <i>Hart St.</i>, near the Back-Passage of <i>Covent Garden</i>. The Gentlemen and Ladies who intend to honour her with their Company, are desir'd to come as early as possible, she being determin'd to begin punctually at six.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1743 03 31 js The Stratagem. Cherry-Mrs Careless.*d1743 03 31 js .*c1743 03 31 js Benefit a Gentlewoman in Distress [Concert formula]. Tickets and Places to be had of $Mrs Careless= in <i>Hart St.</i>, near the Back-Passage of <i>Covent Garden</i>. The Gentlemen and Ladies who intend to honour her with their Company, are desir'd to come as early as possible, she being determin'd to begin punctually at six.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 21730 | 17430331 | js | Benefit a Gentlewoman in Distress [Concert formula]. Tickets and Places to be had of $Mrs Careless= in <i>Hart St.</i>, near the Back-Passage of <i>Covent Garden</i>. The Gentlemen and Ladies who intend to honour her with their Company, are desir'd to come as early as possible, she being determin'd to begin punctually at six
    Performance: 42502 | 21730 | p | The Stratagem | Cherry-Mrs Careless.
    67500 | 42502 | Cherry | Mrs Careless.
    Performance: 42503 | 21730 | d


Cherry-Mrs Careless.



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