12 February 1698

Event Information
Theatre: Drury Lane Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1697-1698
Volume: 1
Comments: On this date the Czar of Muscovy attended an opera, but the title is not given. Lady Newton, Lyme Letter, 1660-1760, p. 209: On Saturday last the Czar of Muscovy, attended by the Marquis of Carmarthen, and some of his Bayers, was at the King's Playhouse in Drury Lane, and saw 3 acts of the Opera. Luttrell, A Brief Relation, IV, 343, 12 Feb. 1697@8: This evening the czar was at the playhouse in Drury Lane to see an opera

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p:?dl Comment. *c:?dl On this date the $Czar of Muscovy= attended an opera, but the title is not given. $Lady Newton=, <i>Lyme Letter, 1660-1760</i>, p. 209: On Saturday last the Czar of Muscovy, attended by the $Marquis of Carmarthen=, and some of his Bayers, was at the <i>King's Playhouse</i> in <i>Drury Lane</i>, and saw 3 acts of the Opera. $Luttrell=, <i>A Brief Relation</i>, IV, 343, 12 Feb. 1697@8: This evening the czar was at the playhouse in Drury Lane to see an opera.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1698 02 12 dl Comment.*c1698 02 12 dl On this date the $Czar of Muscovy= attended an opera, but the title is not given. $Lady Newton=, <i>Lyme Letter, 1660-1760</i>, p. 209: On Saturday last the Czar of Muscovy, attended by the $Marquis of Carmarthen=, and some of his Bayers, was at the <i>King's Playhouse</i> in <i>Drury Lane</i>, and saw 3 acts of the Opera. $Luttrell=, <i>A Brief Relation</i>, IV, 343, 12 Feb. 1697@8: This evening the czar was at the playhouse in Drury Lane to see an opera.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 2157 | 16980212 | dl | On this date the $Czar of Muscovy= attended an opera, but the title is not given. $Lady Newton=, <i>Lyme Letter, 1660-1760</i>, p. 209: On Saturday last the Czar of Muscovy, attended by the $Marquis of Carmarthen=, and some of his Bayers, was at the <i>King's Playhouse</i> in <i>Drury Lane</i>, and saw 3 acts of the Opera. $Luttrell=, <i>A Brief Relation</i>, IV, 343, 12 Feb. 1697@8: This evening the czar was at the playhouse in Drury Lane to see an opera

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