09 February 1742

Event Information
Theatre: Goodman's Fields
Theatrical Season: 1741-1742
Volume: 3

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?gf The Rehearsal. As 3 Feb. *a?gf The Anatomist.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1742 02 09 gf The Rehearsal. ^As17420203^.*a1742 02 09 gf The Anatomist.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 21081 | 17420209 | gf
    Performance: 40845 | 21081 | p | The Rehearsal | As17420203.
    AsSeeDate: 40845 | gf | p | As | 17420203
    325118 | 40845 | Bayes | Garrick
    325119 | 40845 | Johnson | Giffard
    325120 | 40845 | Smith | W. Giffard
    325121 | 40845 | two Kings of Brentford | Vaughan, Clough
    325122 | 40845 | Prince Pretty@man | Marshall
    325123 | 40845 | Volscius | Peterson
    325124 | 40845 | Drawcansir | Paget
    325125 | 40845 | Thunder and Lightning | Dunstall, Miss Naylor
    325126 | 40845 | Serjeants at Arms | the Comedians
    325127 | 40845 | the facetious Grand Dance | the Whole Company
    325128 | 40845 | King Phiz | Julian
    325129 | 40845 | Gentleman Usher | Yates
    325130 | 40845 | Amaryllis | Mrs Dunstall
    325131 | 40845 | Chloris | Mrs Yates
    325132 | 40845 | Pallas | Blakes
    325133 | 40845 | Parthenope | Miss E. Hippisley
    325134 | 40845 | With the total Eclipse of the Sun and Moon
    325135 | 40845 | the part of Sol | Hemskirk
    325136 | 40845 | Luna | Stitchbury
    325137 | 40845 | Orbis | Mrs Bishop
    325138 | 40845 | Likewise Mr Bayes's Representation of a Grand Thea
    325139 | 40845 | With Dancing | , Scenes, Machines, Habits, other proper Decorations.
    Performance: 40846 | 21081 | a | The Anatomist



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