27 October 1741

Event Information
Theatre: James Street
Theatrical Season: 1741-1742
Volume: 3
Comments: A concert, etc. Benefit Mrs Careless. The Parts to be perform'd by Persons who intend to play as well as they can, tho' perhaps not so well as they wou'd. Boxes 3s. Pit 2s. Gallery 1s. 6:30 p.m. N.B. Mrs Careless hopes her Friends will favor her according to their Promise, to relieve her from the terrible fits of the Vapours, preceding from Bad Dreams, tho' the Comfort is, they generally go by contraries

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p;js The Beggar's Opera. *s;js II: <i>The Life of a Beau</i>-Hills. *d;js V: <i>Minuet</i>-Mrs Careless. *c;js A concert, etc. Benefit $Mrs Careless=. The Parts to be perform'd by Persons who intend to play as well as they can, tho' perhaps not so well as they wou'd. Boxes 3s. Pit 2s. Gallery 1s. 6:30 p.m. N.B. Mrs Careless hopes her Friends will favor her according to their Promise, to relieve her from the terrible fits of the Vapours, preceding from Bad Dreams, tho' the Comfort is, they generally go by contraries.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1741 10 27 js The Beggar's Opera.*s1741 10 27 js II: <i>The Life of a Beau</i>-Hills.*d1741 10 27 js V: <i>Minuet</i>-Mrs Careless.*c1741 10 27 js A concert, etc. Benefit $Mrs Careless=. The Parts to be perform'd by Persons who intend to play as well as they can, tho' perhaps not so well as they wou'd. Boxes 3s. Pit 2s. Gallery 1s. 6:30 p.m. N.B. Mrs Careless hopes her Friends will favor her according to their Promise, to relieve her from the terrible fits of the Vapours, preceding from Bad Dreams, tho' the Comfort is, they generally go by contraries.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 20795 | 17411027 | js | A concert, etc. Benefit $Mrs Careless=. The Parts to be perform'd by Persons who intend to play as well as they can, tho' perhaps not so well as they wou'd. Boxes 3s. Pit 2s. Gallery 1s. 6:30 p.m. N.B. Mrs Careless hopes her Friends will favor her according to their Promise, to relieve her from the terrible fits of the Vapours, preceding from Bad Dreams, tho' the Comfort is, they generally go by contraries
    Performance: 40178 | 20795 | p | The Beggar's Opera
    Performance: 40179 | 20795 | s | II: <i>The Life of a Beau</i>-Hills
    Performance: 40180 | 20795 | d | V: <i>Minuet</i>-Mrs Careless


None Listed


Comment: II: The Life of a Beau-Hills


Comment: V: Minuet-Mrs Careless

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